An informative blog, FUN FACTS, started on our website. Biodiversity has become a word in our everyday use and these bright, colourful, factual illustrations bring home its importance. Perfect for adults and children it’s a fun way to learn some facts. Our thanks to Griffins Garden Centre for giving these to us.
We finally convinced some of our camera shy Volunteers to be added to our ‘Volunteer Spotlight’ blog. It’s nice to put names to the faces we pass each day working so hard to keep Ballincollig beautiful for us all. So be sure to take a look.
Our ‘Snippets’ blog has been missing lately as things have been very quiet due to the time of year. However, we have been gathering information for this and it will be back on the website this week.
For these and plenty more check out our website on
Last Saturday morning eight Volunteers met in the car park of the Oriel House Hotel to gather up the fallen leaves from some areas in the town. We brought shovels, brushes and blowers with us and filled bags that we later put into the back of the trailer.
Leaves were gathered from Westgate to Innishmore Junction in front of Westcliffe. This is a very popular walking route and the fallen leaves can be dangerous when wet. We also gathered leaves in front of Tesco. These will have to be redone because of the trees across the road. In all we filled twelve of the one tonne bags. After the work BTT treated the Volunteers to coffee and scones to heat them up.
Several Estates have also been gathering leaves from around their own areas. The following were collected……..
4 bags of leaves from Beech Road
10 bags from Fr Sexton Park,
11 bags from Leo Murphy Terrace,
2  from Innishmore,(The Paddocks)
9 bags from Christ Our Light
4 bags from Beech Park, 
5 bags from Cranford Pines,
10 bags from Carrigdene,
And we haven’t a total from Maglin yet as they had another clean up since and we are waiting on a final figure
All the leaves collected have been put in the compost bays at the Allotment.
On Sunday thirty Volunteers together with ten Transition Year students were out for the weekly Litter Pick. The group of Volunteers collected nine bags of unsorted litter plus two bags of cans. The usual areas were covered during the hour. Three bags of pre-sorted litter were collected from Kitty. During the week previous litter was collected daily from the Main Street.
The Work Group was busy during the week working on a variety of jobs. On Monday all the Winter Planting was put out around Ballincollig. John worked his magic on Barry’s Road and all his hard work has it transformed. Tuesday cleaning and washing the remainder of the summer planters was carried out. Grass cutting was also done. Thursday John and Con turned the compost in Bay 1 at the Allotment. This is filling up very fast with all the leaves. Dylan swept leaves opposite Maxol and finished cleaning the Aldi planters in preparation for painting. Six bags were collected from Barry’s Road and dropped off at Poulavone. Leaves were collected at Innishmore, Leo Murphy Terrace and Barry’s Road. The footpaths from the Allotment to Innishmore Cross were swept of leaves.
CE/ TUS workers John and Con working in the leaves collected last Sunday in the Allotment compost bays.
We are always looking for Volunteers to help out with the weekly Litter Pick. If you have an hour to spare on a Sunday come join us at Quish’s SuperValu car park at 11am. We would love to see you.