Ballincollig Scouts Alan, Liam, Luke Maxium and Cormac are currently working towards achieving their Chief Scouts award. So, despite the heavy rain it was lovely to welcome them on Thursday evening when they joined two  Volunteers from Ballincollig Tidy Towns.
The Award contributes to the self-development of young people by focusing on the personal journey of the individual youth member – being of service to the community and exploring the natural world, developing their skills and being active in nature and the outdoors.
They worked for two hours weeding all the flowerbeds on Poulavone Roundabout and removed a large amount of bindweed near the footpaths.
Pat, our Volunteer, took the opportunity to strim around the edges while they worked.
A huge thank you to these young scouts for all their hard work.


We had a great turnout on Sunday morning with twenty-one Volunteers turning out for the weekly Litter Pick.
Unfortunately, there was a very large amount of litter visible on Main Street – mostly fast food litter. Eleven bags in total were collected.
Some of our Volunteers carried out several Litter Picks during the week and a further three bags of litter, one bag of glass and one bag of cans.
Ballincollig’s flowers suffered the wrath of Storm Ellen last week and a decision had been made to remove all Planters. However, on reviewing them, it was decided to remove the Railing Planters and leave the Pole Planters for a while longer.
Thanks to the watering tag team Ellen and Francis, the Planters went for eight days without needing water. However, on Wednesday night what remained of the Planters now needed to be watered. So, two people took one and a half hours each and used 600 litres of water. All Poles and Eastgate Planters were watered.


With the cancellation of our Annual Church Gate Collection due to the Coronavirus, Ballincollig Tidy Towns has lost out on financial support that is vital to its running.
Each year our Church Gate Collection is a substantial part of our funding. However, at present, we are striving to keep going, if only on a reduced basis.
Should people wish to make a donation, they can do so by dropping it to Pat Clarke at Ballincollig Tool Hire in Innishmore or by making a deposit to our Bank Account IBAN IE42ULSB98548210251204.
This year’s flowers destroyed by Storm Ellen have been put in the compost bays at the Allotment. These will be next year’s compost.