Newsletter: January 2025

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is a framework bringing together different sectors across the island of Ireland to create a landscape where pollinators can survive and thrive. Its implementation is coordinated by the National Biodiversity Data Centre.

To spot this month: keep an eye out for winter bumblebees

January is still a quiet month for sightings. The normal lifecycle of most Irish bumblebees ends when the workers and males die off and the newly mated queens hibernate through the cold winter months. However, in recent years, the Buff-tailed bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) has been seen foraging during winter months in both Ireland and in southern Britain. It is not known for certain what exactly is causing this. You can help improve our understanding by letting us know if you spot winter-active bumblebee workers.

winter bumblebees

To do this month: consider planting a new hedgerow

Planting a diverse native hedgerow and managing it for biodiversity is one of the best actions you can take to help pollinators. The planting window is from November to February. Within the National Biodiversity Data Centre, we have published a short flyer on how to plant a new hedgerow.

new hedgerow

New Resource: Business Parks for Pollinators

The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan is delighted to release a new free resource: a booklet on how to manage business parks for pollinators. Across the island of Ireland, wild bees are in trouble due to the loss of habitats that provide them with food and shelter. The solution is simple: we need to change the way we manage our landscape. Business parks can play an important role in creating a network of pollinator-friendly habitats. By managing business parks more sustainably, we can ensure pollinators have access to food, shelter, and safety, whilst also helping wider biodiversity.

This guide will help tenant businesses within business and technology parks understand evidence-based actions for pollinators. It can also provide a structure for having nature-positive conversations with landowners and asset/facilities managers.

Business Parks for Pollinators

Guest blog: Creating a Wild Garden at Dr Crokes GAA Club

Dr Crokes GAA Club in Killarney were one of 90 clubs to be acknowledged recently for their work on sustainability as part of the GAA Green Clubs programme.

By reducing mowing around the pitches, identifying wildflowers with young members of the club, planting bulbs and putting up signage, Dr Crokes have created plenty of space for biodiversity to thrive alongside the club activities. In our latest guest blog, Green Club Officer Eamonn Fitzgerald tells us how they overcame resistance and transformed a neglected corner of the club grounds into a buzzing natural wildflower meadow. Photo: Eamonn Fitzgerald – Dr Crokes scything the meadow.

Creating a Wild Garden

Submit your ideas for the next All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2026-2030

The next version of the AIPP will be developed across 2025. We want the next Plan to be the most ambitious yet. Please submit your ideas/suggestions – however big, small or radical! Submit ideas at any time and as often as you like.

All-Ireland Pollinator Plan 2026-2030