This wonderful picture was very kindly sent to us by Patricia. Taken in the early 1950s, it shows the boys and girls on their confirmation day. Her sister, Margaret Barrett, is the girl directly behind the Bishop and her brother Michael is second from the left at the back.
Are you in this picture or do you recognize anyone??

On Thursday Adrian picked two full wheelbarrows of discarded green bottles on the lane that runs from the rear of Westgate down to the road near Ballincollig Community School. John brought them to the Allotment for recycling. Gives a whole new meaning to the ‘ten green bottles’ song!!
He then continued to cut back the protruding briars from the fencing on the boundary of the Lidl Property.
Adrian continued his work clearing the weeds from the path at the rear of Westgate.

On Monday, John, our CE Worker took some of the Tesco plants from the ICU in the Allotment and planted them on Barry’s Road.
Adrian, another of our CE Workers, was busy emptying the Cigarette/Gum Bins on Main Street. He also carried out a badly needed Litter Pick on the Link Road.
Our Volunteer, Anthony, strimmed the Wild Flower Bank on the Link Road. The cuttings will be left in place for a couple of weeks in the hope that the seeds will fall off and an even better show of Wild Flowers will be seen here next year.

On Tuesday preparation of our winter plants continued. These will be put in the Railing Planters. We tended to them during the summer months and hopefully they will thrive over the winter.
We began moving the geraniums from the external Allotment beds into the tunnel for the winter this week. We did this last year with great success. After taking possession of them from Tesco as they were gone beyond their sell by date, they were nurtured back to health in the ‘ICU’. For the past two years they have given so much wonderful colour to the Allotment Beds and hopefully will do so for a few more years.

On Sunday morning there were fifteen Volunteers out for our Sunday morning Litter Pick. This week we welcomed three Transition Year Students from Colaiste Choilm. They are joining our Volunteers for the weekly Litter Pick as part of their Gaisce Award Program.
Aoife, Hazel and Cliodhna are most welcome and we hope that more students will follow them in the coming weeks.
We are also delighted to welcome Trevor our newest Volunteer. Ballincollig Tidy Towns is always looking for new Volunteers to come join the group, especially during these uncertain times. All government guidelines are followed.
In total, eleven bags of litter were collected. A further three bags of litter, one bag of cans and one bag of plastic were collected by some Volunteers from daily litter picks they carried out during the week.
On the 6th and 7th October from 8am to 3pm at Kinsale Road Civic Amenity Site.
Advert seen in Cork Safety Alerts.

The ‘Water Boys’ each spent one hour on Monday night watering all the Wooden Planters on Main Street and the Planters at Eastgate. 750 litres of water were used.
I SPY…..
The AIB building on Main Street having its roof washed bright and early on Monday morning.