Tuesday’s Work Night began somewhat earlier at 5.30pm when Tony started cutting the grass on Poulavone Roundabout. Seven more Volunteers joined him and between them all they managed to cut the whole lot of the Grass and also cut back and weed the five perimeter Flowerbeds.
The grass is mulched as it is cut. It takes approx. two hours to cut the entire Roundabout and in doing so the person will have walked three and a half miles.

There were six Volunteers out on the Poulavone Roundabout for the Thursday Work Night. The centre section was given an overhaul for the autumn. The flowers were cleaned up and cut back.
Darkness cut the work short but in that time four one-ton bags and six small bags of Green Waste were collected and removed to be taken to the Allotment for recycling.
It will be necessary to spend some more nights on this project to get it finished.

Fourteen hundred litres of harvested rainwater were used by the two Pats on Monday night. It took them three hours to feed and water all the Planters from West Village to Eastgate including both Towers and the Parklet.
The Waterboys were out watering for three hours on Thursday night and in that time managed to fill the reservoirs in all the Planters including Eastgate and the Parklet.
Watering takes the majority of the time but there is additional time involved in collecting the Water Trailer filling it and dropping it off again.
The results of all the watering makes the time spent worthwhile as the flowers have looked wonderful all season.

Some of our volunteers enjoyed a Cuppa and Chat on Sunday after the Litter Pick. They got a really lovely surprise. While some were queuing for the coffees/teas, a woman from the community walked over to them and gave them three boxes of donuts with a ‘thank you’ for all the work done in Ballincollig. What a lovely treat for everyone.


ALL PLASTICS can go into the recycling bin once they are clean, dry and loose. That means items such as bread wrappers, pasta and salad bags can all go into the recycling bin. Soft plastics can now go into the recycling bin as there have been advancements in packaging design, and investment in recycling technology, allowing segregation of different material types in recycling facilities in Ireland. 
Become a recycling champion today with the help of Repak Team Green. Access a range of recycling tips, hack videos and FAQs that will help you recycle more and better.
Visit their website today and find out what goes into the recycling bin, access tips and FAQs. Don’t forget to check out where your nearest recycling centre and ‘bring bank’ are located. Watch their Ambassador videos to learn more and don’t forget to follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
Reaching recycling targets will require a team effort. Repak Team Green is free to join so make sure you tell friends, family and colleagues to sign up #RepakTeamGreen.
On Monday morning our Workers were busy giving some of the ‘Window Boxes’ at West Village. They continued with this job on Tuesday and trimmed the flowers at Eastgate and Muskerry Junction.

John spent a good deal of Monday morning working at the Allotment. He was busy sorting the Green Waste from Thursday night’s work.  He also sorted the waste from the Litter Picks.
Later he cut the grass and turned some of the Compost.
John spent time picking litter around the area near Lidl in Innishmore. He filled two barrow loads.
He then prepared the Compost Bays for the autumn leaves that will be filling them in the coming weeks.

During the week Adrian emptied all the Cig/Gum Bins around town.
Then he carried out a Litter Pick on Old Fort Road and Community Drive and finished by working at the Allotment.
Adrian removed the Bindweed from the Beech Hedge in Coolroe.