A beautiful new sign was erected at the entrance to the McDonalds in Ballincollig this week. The owner of the premises Mr. Christopher Pimm said McDonald’s Ballincollig are delighted to support the fantastic work of the Ballincollig Tidy Towns.
Hopefully the erecting of this new sign will encourage people not to litter our beautiful local environment.
Finally everyone at Our McDonald’s would like to thank the amazing work and support of the Ballincollig Tidy Towns since we have joined your amazing community.
This week an excellent new Website CLIMATE JARGON BUSTER was published. The Taoiseach Micheal Martin and Minister O’Gorman did the honours.
Developed in collaboration with a group of young people from Comhairle na nOg the website provides plain English explanations for approx. eighty common climate action terms. it is designed to be of assistance to anyone looking to understand the language used in relation to climate action. 
Feedback from young people last year about the complexity of terminology associated with climate science and policy and how this can create barriers stopping young people engaging and/or participating. As a result, the Project was devised
The website allows users to search or browse terms in several ways. It is both Interactive and accessible And in recognition of its use of plain language throughout, It carries the National Adult Literacy Agency’s plain English mark.
Thanking the young people involved in the Project, the Taoiseach, said:
Climate change is the biggest challenge facing our Planet, but the language around it is complex and not easy to understand. This website is a practical and useful resource that will help people gain a greater understanding of climate action.
At a meeting with the young people involved in the Project, Minister O’Gorman said:
Young people have led the way on climate action, and I want to ensure that they continue to be centrally involved in our response to climate change. The project shows the value of collaborating with young people, and I hope it will be of use to everyone with an interest in protecting our environment.
Notes –
The website is accessible at
A Sub Group of the Comhairle na nOg National Executive was established to work on this Project. The Group of young people worked on the project over a number of months last year. They attended virtual meetings and workshops and provided continuous rolling feedback on all aspects of the Project.  They helped choose the terms that needed to be explained, helped make sure the explanations were understandable and inputted into the design of the website. 
Department of the Taoiseach worked with Environmental Protection Agency, SEAI and Met Eireann to develop the explanations for each of the terms.
The website and the terms explained, have been awarded the plain English mark by the National Adult Literacy Agency.
It is intended to update the website regularly to include additional terms.
The website provides three ways in which terms can be searched:
Entering term in search box
Browsing by sector
Download the full list in A-Z format.
The website also includes a short quiz that asks readers to test their climate jargon knowledge.
(Article seen in Cork Safety Alerts)

The sight of some lovely daffodils helps to lift our spirits as we make our way along the top of the Carrigrohane Road to the Poulavone Roundabout. We are moving out of the dark wet winter and the spring flowers always give a feeling of hope. We could all certainly do with some of that.
Some lovely Spring flowers in Planters at Junctions around Ballincollig. These were plants that were saved and grown on last Winter. A very welcome sight.
Great to see so many people picking Litter as they walk within their 5km. Here is some of the litter collected from various Litter Picks during the week.
A clean up on the back road from Greenfield Roundabout towards Kilumney by Phil Murphy yielded six bags of Litter. 
Kitty collected three bags of Litter, one bag of Plastic, one bag of Cans and one bag of Glass.
Ferghal collected one bag of Litter.
Ger Murphy collected one bag of Litter from Innishmore/Community Drive.
From the car park behind Quishs (Main Street) Denis O’Leary collected one bag of Litter
Sheila collected two bags of Litter and Nathan collected one bag.
Brid did a Litter Pick on the Link Road collecting one bag.
However, while Kitty was out collecting litter, on one morning alone she collected fourteen discarded masks along the streets. And while she was out on another day during the week fifteen further masks were collected.
Several Ballincollig streets are looking really grubby with coffee cups, masks and gloves from petrol station forecourts blown around.
We cannot forget what we have worked so hard to achieve. Each one of us is responsible for keeping the town clean especially during lockdown when Ballincollig Tidy Towns are restricted like everyone else. Some of our Volunteers do pick litter each time they go for a walk within the 5km but because we are all restricted Volunteers cannot reach all areas.
Please make sure you are not one of those throwing your litter on the ground.