Ballincollig Tidy Towns website is undergoing a revamp at present in the hope that more people will use it going forward. There will be something of interest for everyone. From Fairy Trail news for the very young to school project updates from our students to the work in progress of our members.

Our completed projects with before and after pictures will be available to look through. Unless you have children attending Primary or Secondary Schools people may not be aware of the many projects and studies the students are involved in throughout the year in conjunction with Ballincollig Tidy Towns. They will now be available for others to read and enjoy.

Over the past number of years we have put in place some unique ideas which, when implemented proved successful for Ballincollig. These were later adopted by other Tidy Towns. We are in the process of compiling a list of  these for the website.

Feel free to give us feedback and ideas so that Ballincollig Tidy Towns website will be something for people to enjoy going forward.. 


The weekly litter pick got underway last Sunday with twenty three Volunteers and two Transition Year students taking to the streets for the hour long work. The usual areas were covered and in total eleven bags were collected from which two bags of recycling were segregated. Two Volunteers picked one bag outside the boundary area. Four bags of litter and one of recycling were collected from litter picks on the Main Street the previous week.


During the weekend, there was plenty of work being done in several estates. With the spring like weather that we are enjoying, residents were busy cleaning around their areas. Tackling this work now will make a difference going forward as it lightens the load for the months ahead.


Cleaning at the allotment kept the group very busy throughout the week. They prepared the planters for the summer baskets by cleaning planter inserts and replacing the wicks for their watering system. They also turned the compost at the allotment which is breaking down very well. Of course they also carried out all the usual work throughout Ballincollig and surrounding areas.


Some outlying boundary hedges and trees were cut back. As a result, travel is much safer for all road users.

A solar panel and wind turbine kit have been sourced for the purposes of pumping collected water which we use for watering in the summer months.

Replacement Hydrangea plants have been obtained for the road between the Poulavone to Carrigrohane verge area.


Ballincollig is celebrating ten years of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 17th 2019. This parade has always had a very high level of support from float participation to people turning out on the day to watch. Any support on the day that you can give would be greatly appreciated as there is so much to be done in preparation.

April is nearly upon us and with it the National Spring Clean Week   This in fact, covers the entire month. Projects undertaken in the next six weeks will also count so be sure to inform us of them and they will be included in the list.


Again we are looking for more volunteers for the year ahead. If you can spare any time at all, please contact us or fill in  the member application form on the website. If you would like to join us for the Sunday litter pick, we will see you at Quish’s SuperValu car park at 11am.