One of our Volunteers took time out to photograph a selection of the wonderful displays of flowers in Ballincollig being enjoyed by locals and visitors. A trip to the Regional Park and you will be transfixed by one of the most magnificent displays of wildflowers.
We are continually indebted to our CE Workers who do some extraordinary work. John continued his backbreaking work on Flynn’s Road this week. As a result, a further eleven skippo bags were collected. It has totally transformed the area.
Somehow, he also manages to find time to turn the compost in the Allotment compost bays. This is both tiring and time-consuming work although it is necessary in order to allow the compost to decompose properly. Eager gardeners had completely cleared out the compost from the bays during lockdown. However, one bay is about half full again with new compost. This will be available for the planters in the coming months.
Adrian did some great work removing weeds from the Allotment car park, especially in the vicinity of the disabled parking spaces. Weeds were also cleared from outside the vacant house in Coolroe. The base of the high wall opposite Aldi at Eastgate and the base of the wall along the footpath from Westcourt to the pedestrian bridge at the Regional Park were also cleared of weeds.
The Gum/Butt Bins were also emptied by him.
Anthony cut the grass on Bakers Road (the road from Station Road to the car park) and also both sides from Gaelscoil Ui Riordain to the Kilumney Road Roundabout. He then tackled the grass on both sides of the raised flower bed beside An Caislean on the Kilumney Road. The result was amazing.  
All these jobs make a difference to the overall tidiness of Ballincollig.

Carrigdene Residents were working in their Estate again and great credit is due to them. They continue to make a difference. Eight black bags were collected as a result of their efforts.
Two bags of green waste were collected from the work carried out by the Residents of Fr. Sexton Park.
Window boxes, flowers at Fr. Sexton Park, Station Road, the Church of St. Mary & St. John, the pole planters and the planters at Eastgate were watered and fed. Watering took place on both Thursday and Friday nights of last week. Diarmuid was standing in for one of the Waterboys and it took three and three-quarter hours to complete. 1,900 litres of water were used.
Watering on Tuesday night took each person two and a quarter hours. All window boxes, poles and both towers were watered. 1,200 litres of water were used.
The new Towers on Main Street are coming on nicely but not as well as we would have liked.  However, they are part of the town’s Pollinator Corridor and the bees are happily making the most of them.


Revamping the wooden planters on Main Street is intended to get underway this week. The planters and their contents have always been eye-catching along the street and this revamp will give a lovely lift.

Throughout the entire lockdown Volunteers had been taking litter pickers with them during their walks and picking litter along the way. As the distances were increased the Volunteers covered more ground, all the time adhering to the restrictions in place. Over the weeks, a greater number of Volunteers were doing Litter Picks.
With the lifting of restrictions, many have returned to their routes and are carrying out Litter Picks.
It was a wonderful surprise to see Jacqueline back litter picking last Sunday.
However, it was very disappointing to see the increased level of litter yet again on Main Street. As a result, nine bags of waste were collected.
Despite Cork City Council’s regulations, there are numerous advertising posters being put up throughout Ballincollig. I hope people are aware that they will very likely receive fines for these.


Work on the benches is well underway with the first one having been completed in the past few days. The result is fantastic and gives the area a lovely boost. It will be such a pleasant sight to see the remainder of the benches around the town repainted.


At a Ballincollig Tidy Towns Committee Meeting held on 13th July, a decision was taken that we would not be returning to our usual Tuesday and Thursday Work Nights for the 2020 season.
However, should anybody wish to take on a particular project in their own time, they would be supplied with the relevant equipment – spades, brushes etc – and the bags would be collected by Tidy Towns. Strict COVID 19 regulations must be adhered to at all times.
Our Sunday morning Litter Pick will resume from this coming Sunday 19th July. However, it is being left totally up to each volunteer, whatever they feel comfortable with. Those who decide to return must adhere strictly to COVID 19 regulations at all times. Protective gloves must be worn and NO ITEMS are to be picked up without the use of litter pickers. Bags must be tied and dropped at our usual collection point in Quish’s Car Park. They will then be collected at 12.00 noon. There will be no segregation of collected materials for the foreseeable future.
Unfortunately, for now, we will NOT be returning to The Oriel House Hotel for tea / coffee afterwards. Keep safe and adhere to social distancing.
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