The floor in the Poly Tunnel at the Allotment was sorted on Monday.
Then during the week indoor flowerbeds were prepared for the Geraniums in this newly floored Poly Tunnel.
Adrian continued with his work on the Hydrangeas along the top part of the Carrigrohane Road leading to the Poulavone Roundabout.
This year almost all the Hydrangeas have blossomed. Some of them have the most amazing colours. Among them is a magnificent deep purple colour and many rich pink both so very different from the more usual light pink, white and blue.
He has done a fantastic job weeding around the plants. On Tuesday he was joined by Anthony who strimmed the bank behind the Hydrangeas.
John was busy at the Allotment where he turned the Compost in Bays 1 and 2.
Four bags of Green Waste were collected from Rosewood.
Last Sunday the Litter Pick was quite special for our Volunteers. This was the first time in a long while that we gathered at the car park at Quish’s SuperValu.
It gave the lovely feeling of being back to normal. We hadn’t seen several of the Volunteers out Litter Picking in over a year so this made it extra special.
There were eighteen Volunteers out for the weekly Litter Pick. We covered the entire area from Carrigrohane to Classis. We also carried out a Litter Pick in the Regional Park.
Twelve bags of Litter were collected.
Adrian carried out Litter Picks during the week and collected four Bags of Litter.
This week the CCTV Camera was put back in place overlooking the Recycling area in the Car Park behind Quish’s Main Street SuperValu.
Thursday morning this is the sight our workers came upon at the side entrance to Lennox’s Takeaway on Main Street.
What a shame to think people care so little about their town.
The Information Boards in the Regional Park were stolen and damaged some time ago.
Unfortunately, due to the Coronavirus there was a delay in getting them replaced. However, when we went about replacing them we took the opportunity to include the Cork City Council logo as this is a joint initiative. They finally arrived this week and ‘the Waterboys’ took a break from their watering to replace the panels and secure them.
We hope you take the time to check them out.
The Waterboys were out watering the Planters on Monday night. It took them three hours and they used fifteen hundred litres of water.
The two Towers, the Parklet, all the Planters, including those at Eastgate, were watered.
The recent warm weather meant that Thursday night’s watering only covered all the Planters on the Northern side of Main Street and the Planters at Eastgate.
Twelve hundred litres of water were used and it took them two hours to complete. They will have to go out again tomorrow night to water the Southern side Planters.
We were back on the Pathway again this week having cleared much of it during last week’s Work Night. On Tuesday’s Work Night with the kind support of Finbarr O’Neill, we managed to get the blinding down on the path.  
There were nine Volunteers working on this project and it certainly worked out well.
Our Volunteers managed to get three quarters of the grass on Poulavone Roundabout mulched, edges brushed and some of the Flowerbeds weeded. 
The evenings are beginning to close in quickly so we will have to return to complete the job early next week.