Back in 2016 Ballincollig Tidy Towns put a 1916 rising of a very different kind in place. One thousand nine hundred and sixteen spring bulbs were planted in an area near the Allotment to commemorate the centenary of the Easter Rising.
However, last weekend several people parked on the grass where these bulbs are planted, completely ignoring the parking guidelines that have been put in place. Parents with children certainly aren’t setting a good example if all they see are their parents showing total disregard for anyone or anything as long as they get what they want. After parking his car on top of the grass one such person went so far as to shout insults at one of our Tidy Towns Volunteers who happened to be working in the area and saw him park there.

Last Sunday morning, nineteen Volunteers and four Transition Year Students were out Litter Picking. We welcomed Chris and James, two new Transition Year Students this week as they joined the weekly Litter Pick as part of the Gaisce Program
Nine bags of litter were collected from Classis Lake to Carrigrohane during the week.
Four bags of Litter, one bag of Cans and one bag of Glass were collected by our Volunteers during Litter Picks they carried out during the week.
Our work with Ballincollig Community School continued and we collected three bags of Plastic from them this week.
On Wednesday the entire country went to Level 3 of the government’s Living with Covid Plan. We are all feeling the strain of the past six months but we need to keep moving forward mindful that we have to do as we are asked for the benefit of everyone.
By following the guidelines and doing all we can to keep safe and keep those around us safe, we will move beyond this virus.
But for now, wash your hands, wear your facemask and keep your distance.

Next week the Winter Planting will be put in place. This will help brighten the town and give some cheer to us all.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns has an extensive project in its sights for the road leading to the GAA Club. This section of road is after the site where the Primary Care Centre is being built down as far as the Community Hospital.
We can now announce that all the Perpetual Trophies have been returned to us and we thank everyone involved for doing so. Hopefully, this time next year we will be dusting them off in readiness for our 2021 recipients.

Bay 1 of our Compost Bays is now completely empty. It has been scraped and cleaned in preparation for the mounds of leaves that will be collected from now until at least the end of the year.
John continued to turn the compost in Bay 3 (the final bay in the process). We are now more than prepared for the Autumn Leaves that will be falling our way in the coming weeks.
Residents of Leo Murphy Terrace were busy gathering the first of their leaves. We collected a bag from them during the week.

Ballincollig Tidy Towns has been approached by the Community School to work with some of their Students on a Gardening Project.
One of our Volunteers will work with the Students to create a project that the Students will enjoy and learn from.
At this time of year many of us feel we could benefit from some body buffing. AIB must have been feeling this too. Their branch on Main Street has been repainted and we love the new image.

Come and join us! We are always looking for new Volunteers to join our weekly Sunday Litter Pick. Perhaps, with everything going on right now, you have some extra time on your hands. If so, why not meet up with us at 11am on Sunday morning at Quish’s SuperValu car park. All government guidelines are adhered to at all times.
The CE/TUS Workers and one of our Volunteers put down another busy week around Ballincollig. Below are some of the projects that were tackled.
Tuesday Adrian continued work on the steps and path that run from behind Westgate Foundation to the Community Drive near Ballincollig Community School. Looking at before and after photos, we can appreciate the difference that Adrian’s work has made.

Wednesday Anthony spent strimming the remainder of the Wild Flower Bank in front of The Cloisters. This job is now complete and he will revisit it again in a few weeks to rake up the cut grass.

Thursday our Workers were busy trimming the hedge above the Wild Flower Meadow on the Link Road. Four large bags were collected for the Compost Bay at the Allotment.

The remainder of the Geraniums have been put into the Tunnel. Our thanks again to Tesco who kindly gave them to us. We will all get to enjoy them for at least another year.