Over twenty Volunteers turned out for the Sunday Morning Litter Pick. It is great to see things opening up again and more people being able to come out to help the Tidy Towns.
The area from Classis to Carrigrohane was covered. Also, the Town Centre, the Wood Road and Innicarra Road were covered.
Eleven bags of Litter in total were collected on Sunday morning.
During the week some of the Ballincollig Tidy Towns Volunteers carried out some Litter Picks around the Town.
They managed to collect three bags of Litter, one bag of Glass, one bag of Cans and one bag of Plastic.
Three bags of grass cuttings were collected from Carrigdene.
In some ways it felt like old times as some of the Volunteers got to enjoy a socially distanced cuppa and chat after the Litter Pick hour.
This was totally unexpected but very welcome. Another step forward for everyone in our quest to get back to what we so freely enjoyed before the pandemic.
As the weeks go on and more Volunteers return to the Sunday Litter Pick, we in Tidy Towns hope that the cuppa and chat will become part and parcel again.
Some of our Transition Year Students will be returning to Tidy Towns in order for them to complete the Community Section of their Gaisce Award.
We are all looking forward to their return.
This present group kept our spirits up with their chat and good humour each Sunday prior to lockdown. They happily took on the various tasks and worked hard for the hour. They gave 100%. It will be good to see them back again.
This week saw the beginning of our journey out of lockdown. At long last.
As and from Tuesday 4th May all Construction resumed.
Then from next MONDAY 10TH JUNE –
Inter County Travel will be permitted;
Click and Collect for Non-Essential Retail returns;
Hairdressers, Barbers, Nail and Beauty Salons can open by appointment only;
Libraries, Museums and Galleries will reopen;
Churches will reopen with a limit of 50 people attending;
Weddings and Funerals will have an increased capacity of 50 people in the Church;
6 people or 3 households will be permitted to mix outdoors
Hotels, B&Bs and Guesthouses will be permitted to open for Non-Essential purposes
Gyms, Leisure Centres and Swimming Pools will be permitted to open;
Pubs and Restaurants may reopen outdoors with specific safety measures in place;
Outdoor Sports Matches with no spectators will resume;
25 people will be permitted at a Wedding Reception;
Indoor visits from one other household will be permitted
Work on the new Parklet for Ballincollig was not classed as essential during the lockdown and so was put on hold for the past four months.
However, with the lifting of restrictions, work has recommenced and it should be completed in the coming weeks.
The Parklet will be a welcome addition to the town and will give a lovely lift to everyone’s spirits for the summer.
In order to support Ballincollig Tidy Towns, the Management and Staff at Applegreen Ballincollig, have decided to carry out a Litter Pick every Sunday morning while the BTT Volunteers are out doing their Litter Pick.
This will be in addition to the regular Litter Picks that they carry out in the Service Station forecourt during every shift.
Hopefully, the Management Committee for the grounds will support the work of the Applegreen Staff and Ballincollig Tidy Towns and play their part by maintaining the Flowerbeds at the entrance to the station.
During the week Winter Planting was removed from the Planters around Ballincollig.
Some can be saved and the remainder will be composted.
After removing the Planters, John, Anthony and Tony took the opportunity to clean around the traffic islands at Muskerry Junction.

Guide Dog Day on Friday 7th May, 2021 will enable much needed funds to be raised. It is a day to celebrate the difference Guide Dogs make to those whose vision is impaired and to the families of children with autism who can lead independent lives.
Walk, run or cycle 100k for Guide Dog Day in May to support their work changing lives.
100km is recommended but you may choose a higher or lower figure. You could even join a virtual team with family, friends or colleagues. Challenging yourself, whatever the distance, will be helping to change lives.
Here’s what you do
Sign Up – accept the challenge and register today. First 3,000 people to register will get a free t-shirt and doggy bandana.
Ask friends to sponsor you as you start your challenge. Share your progress on a blog and/or social media. Encourage others to take on the challenge.
The money you raise will enable those who need the services to actively participate in their communities.
Last year Teachers and Students of Ballincollig Community School undertook a new project – a lovely garden. Because of the pandemic and extended lockdown everyone experienced the project took longer than expected to complete. Now, with the lifting of restrictions it is finally nearing completion.
A Ballincollig Tidy Towns Committee Member and Horticulturist gave his time to assist and guide with planning and planting.
The project was funded by the School and Finbarr O’Neill kindly sponsored the shale.
This has been a real team effort.

This week BTT saw the welcome return of CE Worker Adrian. He got stuck right in and was busy cleaning the Planters on the Railings, preparing for the Summer planting.

John was busy in the Allotment cleaning the inserts of the Planters and composting the old plants.
Tony began wiping down the Planters with WD40 to protect and revive them.

The following day John cut the grass and tidied the area around the seat on Community Drive.

The ‘Live Journey Time System’ for Cork has been activated this week.
Variable message signs will now display journey times for key destinations.
This should be beneficial to motorists as they travel.

Latest figures given on 4th May –
Total Vaccinations 1,655,866
First Dose 1,202,373
Second Dose 454,493
We’re asking people to register on specific days to help us manage the demand. This will make it easier for everyone to register.
If you are aged:
56 – register on Friday 7 May, or any time after
55 – register on Saturday 8 May, or any time after
People aged 50 to 54 will be invited to register from Sunday 9 May.
If you are aged 60 to 69, you can still register if you haven’t already.
To register online –
Go to the online COVID-19 vaccine registration
Press the “Start now” button and choose your group.
Join the queue – when it’s your turn, you’ll have 10 minutes to accept your place on the system before it times out.
Create your account – you will get a verification email, a verification text message (SMS) and be asked to create a password.
Enter your personal details.
Review and confirm your details and finish your registration.
To Register by Phone – You will need to provide your PPS Number, Eircode or your address, a Mobile Phone Number and an Email Address.
You can still register by phone if you do not have all of these things.
Open: 8am to 8pm, Monday to Sunday.
The best time to call is between 1pm and 6pm. You will get through to an operator quicker.
LoCall: 1850 24 1850
Phone: 01 240 8787
From outside Ireland or the UK: +353 1 240 8787
The Statue ‘Man Covering The Stone’ near the Poulavone Roundabout has been cleaned by the Staff from O’Donovan Agri Enviornmental.
We are extremely grateful to them.