Sunday morning saw several Volunteers out picking litter from as early as 8am.
Five bags of Litter were collected.
Kitty collected five bags of Litter, one bag of Plastic and one bag of Cans during the week.
Brid collected one bag of Litter from the Link Road.
One bag of Litter was collected by Jer on the Western Side.


And a local Resident collected one bag of Litter in the Maglin area.
Also, on Sunday morning, Pat, Orann and Tom cleaned around the Traffic Islands in Ballincollig. They collected five bags of silt which will all be recycled.
The benches around Ballincollig are frequently used by old and young alike. On Sunday the Volunteers cleaned both around and under them.

There are several green areas around Ballincollig that we are holding off on cutting for now.                                                                                         
 We wanted to give the bees a chance to get some needed food from the weeds and dandelions.

The Bee Boxes were removed from Poulavone Roundabout this week so that they can be given a fresh lick of paint.
Green Dragon Recycling collected a massive 23 bags of Plastic from the Allotment on Wednesday afternoon                                                                                                    .   
They also collected a large Wheelie Bin of Cans.
These were all as a result of our Litter Picks over the past two months.

Friday April 2nd marks World Autism Awareness Day, a designated United Nations Day of Observance.
In December 2007, The United Nations General Assembly unanimously declared April 2nd as World Autism Awareness Day highlight the need to help improve the quality of life of those with Autism so that they can lead full and meaningful lives as an integral part of society.
Read more about World Autism Awareness Day
The focus of this year’s UN World Autism Awareness Day is ‘Inclusion in the Workplace’.
To address this issue, the UN is holding a virtual event on the 8th of April entitled ‘Inclusion in the Workplace: Challenges and Opportunities in a Post-Pandemic World’.
The event will look at disparities and discrimination exposed by the pandemic, as well as ensuring inclusion. For more information, see


Ballincollig Regional Park will close at 8pm from April. Please ensure you are out of the car park by that time.


Many of us feel anxious and worry about things. During lockdown with all the restrictions in place we may feel more anxious and worry more.       
Managing our anxiety levels is paramount. Knowledge makes all the difference when it comes to understanding mental health.
For a range of information and resources available visit


ESB Science Blast, delivered by the RDS, is a non-competitive programme for primary school classes from 3rd – 6th (ROI) and Key Stage 2 (NI) that invites children to investigate the science behind a simple question that interests and excites them
Due to the Coronavirus and the government restrictions, showcase events cannot take place this year. However, there are many ways for the students to get involved. From submitting class investigations for virtual judging to interacting with ESB Science Blast TV which will be broadcast directly into classrooms around Ireland from 26th to 30th April.
To find out more and how your school can get involved, visit



Ballincollig Tidy Towns wishes everyone a very Happy and Safe Easter.                                           
Hopefully next year will be different and we will all get to celebrate it together



BUSY WEEK                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
It felt like old times this week with so many Volunteers out tackling various projects.
Denis was busy washing signs both back and front.
Starting at Poulavone Roundabout he has been working his way towards the Eastgate.


John was busy at the Allotment moving the contents of Compost Bay 1 to Bay 2 in order to make room for the summer’s compostable items.
Anthony spent his day off work strimming the bank behind the Hydrangeas on the Carrigrohane Road.

The Hydrangeas were all deadheaded recently. We are hoping that they will come on even stronger this year.
Oran our Volunteer tackled the overgrown kerbs. As Ballincollig Tidy Towns has been encouraging Ballincollig as a no spray town, he used a Spade and Brush on the footpath from Gaelscoil Ui Riordan to the traffic lights near Limeworth.
The Fencing at the raised bed at Poulavone was painted midweek.
Denis gave the Railway Sleepers flower beds on Community Drive a coat of creosote. He also freshened up those in Coolroe.
This is the first week that Ballincollig Tidy Towns is attempting to use the SDGs beside some of the items in the Newsletter.
For more information on this please refer to the item on Sustainable Development Goals.