Happy New Year to all our Volunteers, Transition Year students and the entire Ballincollig Community.
Our weekly litter picks will be recommencing on Sunday morning at 11am for an hour. We will be welcoming back our Volunteers and Transition Year students. We will also welcome some new Volunteers.
After the work, going forward, we will be gathering for a ‘cuppa and chat’ at The Plaza in Time Square. It is important that we take the time to sit and chat to each other and we hope as many of you as possible will join us.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns looks forward to another positive year and this year there are lots of plans in the pipeline. When the longer evenings return our Work Nights will be starting up again. Hopefully these nights will be supported.
We also call on our Schools, Businesses, Sports Clubs and Resident Associations to make an extra effort to help our efforts.
We hope that 2023 will be a great year for Ballincollig.