As many of us walk around with overgrown hair due to Covid-19 Restrictions, it was with a fair amount of envy this week that we looked on as the Poulavone Roundabout got a ‘haircut’ of its own. Like ourselves, the Roundabout’s covering had become fairly overgrown and unkempt looking in the past number of months.
Finally, last Saturday, three Ballincollig Tidy Towns Volunteers armed with lawnmowers began to bring the area back to the way we are most familiar with. Monday night was spent raking the grass into heaps and clearing it for another cutting the following night. The work was finally completed on Wednesday night and the result is a beautifully manicured surface. In all eleven skippo bags of grass were collected.
We could take some comfort in the prospect that this too will be us once restrictions are lifted and we can take our place among the masses to have our unruly mops brought back to their former glory.



Next Monday 18th May sees the commencement of the easing of Covid-19 restrictions with Phase 1 getting underway. The measures set to come into effect on that day are part of a roadmap for opening up the economy and society in general as we slowly move forward to regain some form of the lives we had been living. With the loss of so many loved ones, life will never be as it was but will be very different. In time perhaps a good different as we will have learnt a new way of living and be more tolerant, more understanding and yes, the nation will finally have mastered the art of queuing.
As with every group, company or association Ballincollig Tidy Towns will have to start planning its strategy to return to work, while adhering to all that is necessary to keep our workers safe.
Our CE / TUS Workers and members of our committee will be attending the ‘Return To Work Safely’ training course next Tuesday.
We will be developing a safety plan so that our outdoor workers will be able to return to work. Standard Operating Procedures will be put in place for our Volunteers and the necessary PPE and Sanitizers will be made available.
Seven of our Volunteers continued to combine their daily exercise with some litter picks. The fact that we are now permitted to venture 5km for exercise gives us more area to pick litter from.
During these litter picks twelve bags of general waste and one bag of glass were collected.
Once again, we are asking people to please refrain from throwing used gloves and facemasks on the ground as it is dangerous and could spread the Coronavirus.
As a direct result of the CCTV camera being reinstalled at the recycling bins, there is a very positive difference in the area now. Well done to everyone involved.
Many Residents continue to work on their Estates and the following are this week’s results –
Three bags of green waste were taken from Beech Park.
Four bags of green recyclables were collected from flower beds at Fr. Sexton Park.
One bag of green recyclable (grass) and two bags of sweepings were gathered from Rosewood.
Two bags of green compostable grass and two bags of kerbside debris were collected from Leo Murphy Terrace.
Twelve bags of grass from were collected from Carrigdene Estate after the residents cut their green areas.
All recyclables will be taken to the compost bays in the Allotment.
Cork City Council and their staff have been both emptying the litter bins and doing litter picking on Main Street. In addition, the Main Street has also been power-washed. This made such a difference while also giving the comfort of a little extra protection to the streets.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns have purchased two tower planters with the assistance of a grant from The Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment. The majority of plants in these planters will be Pollinator Friendly and will be a positive addition to Ballincollig’s Pollinator Corridor. They will be positioned on Main Street.