We have come to the end of our official work for 2020 and will be taking a break until Sunday 10 January, 2021.
To each and every one of you, a very big ‘thank you’ for your support and assistance throughout what has been a very difficult and uncertain year.
Wishing you all a Happy and Safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We hope 2021 will be a better year in which we will see a return to normal.
From Tom, Pat and the entire BTT Committee
On what was our final Sunday Litter Pick for 2020, twenty-three Volunteers and five Transition Year students gathered at Quish’s SuperValu car park. A large area of Ballincollig was covered.
We welcomed Marita our newest Volunteer who joined us this morning. You’re never too young to take pride in your community and so we had a very special welcome for our youngest Volunteers, Cillian (7) and Kate (9) who happily
In total thirteen bags of litter were collected.
During the week our Volunteers carried out several Litter Picks and collected two bags of Litter and one bag of Glass.
The Transition Year students had another productive morning collecting leaves on the green areas at the entrance to Parknamore.

Another skip containing litter was collected from the Allotment.
Before the Coronavirus, the rubbish collected from the various Litter Picks used to be brought to the Allotment each week and segregated. However, since the pandemic, all rubbish bags are put into a skip which is taken away when full.

This week was a short week for all concerned but there was plenty of work done.
Adrian completed the edging near Maxol at West Village.

John continued the weeding of the flower bed at Westcliffe.

John and Adrian emptied the last of the leaves into Compost Bay 1 at the Allotment.

During Covid-19 Ireland is one of the few countries in Europe to have carried on their recycling services as normal.
Over 81,000 tonnes of packaging waste is expected to be generated by Ireland this Christmas. This is an increase of 7% on last year.
If you have more packaging that usual over the Christmas period, let it beside your bins as most collectors will accept them. Place clean dry loose recyclables in clear plastic bags for collection. Check with your collector for more details if unsure.
To ensure that your Christmas packaging is recycled correctly visit Repak Ireland’s website on www.repak.ie