Surprisingly some plants were damaged at Eastgate on Saturday night / Sunday morning. for some unknown reason someone pulled one of the Planters from the bracket where they had been placed. Thankfully the planter itself was not damaged but some of the flowers were. We have repaired them as best we could and hopefully the damage done won’t take from the overall display.
As there is CCTV in the area, we have asked the Gardai to review the footage.
Meanwhile, the reservoirs in these Planters have been filled and the flowers deadheaded. This year we are seeing an increase in the number of bees due to the increase in the number of pollinators in the Planters not only at Eastgate but throughout all the Planters in Ballincollig.
Great to see that Ballincollig Community School in Innishmore have ceased cutting the grass on their pitch for the summer months.
Taking this initiative has to be commended as it helps the pollinators and the All Ireland Pollinator Plan encourages us to do so/.
It is good to see the increased number of birds and insects in this area.
On Sunday morning Jarlath and Tony were busy weeding and edging the floral sections of the Coolroe Meadows Roundabout. The results speak for themselves.
The Roundabout in the Centre of Coolroe Meadows was traditionally planted with summer bedding. In a joint initiative 250 Herbaceous Pollinator Friendly Plants were planted in the 4 beds on the Roundabout
Denis and Cillian took on the tough job of cleaning the Recycling Containers in the Car Park behind Main Street.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns is so proud to congratulate Colm Monahan on his magnificent achievement at the Special Olympics World Games.
Colm won his three Badminton singles at the recent Special Olympics World Games in Berlin. He emerged triumphant against athletes from Japan, Andorra and Mongolia. And so, after topping his division, he won Gold.
Colm also played Badminton Mixed Doubles at the Special Olympics World Games. Himself and Claire were runners up in all three games and they took 4th place overall.
This was Colm’s first time representing Ireland in Badminton at the Special Olympics World Games having previously represented Ireland in five a side soccer in 2015 at the Los Angeles Special Olympics World Games.
Colm’s mother Bríd, dad Pat and brothers Seamus and Fearghal, who is one of our Volunteers, travelled to Berlin to support him.
Many congratulations.
Last Saturday evening and Sunday morning we were extremely grateful for the support given at Ballincollig Tidy Towns’ Church Gate Collection. We would like to thank the Parish for allowing us the opportunity to collect. These funds will make a huge difference to our work.
We were extremely busy from early Sunday morning. 25 Volunteers were out litter picking. This excluded 24 Volunteers who were involved with our Church Gate Collection.
Pat collected 13 bags of Litter, 1 bag of Cans and 1 bag of Plastic which included the bags collected from our Volunteers’ daily litter picks during the week.
Afterwards, we gathered in The Plaza for a cuppa and treats.
People ask if we see a difference since we developed our Pollinator Corridor. Over the years we’ve planted more pollinator friendly plants, cut the grass less, ceased using herbicides, so the answer is a definite yes.
The All Ireland Pollinator Plan is a vital source of information and resources for all of us to make a difference in our home, work, schools and sports clubs. Click on this link https://pollinators.ie/ for more information.
The photos below show 2 locations where actions are having a positive impact.
Cleburne Mews has its grass cut less frequently and because of this there were a huge number of bees feeding on the clover along with plenty of other flowers growing.
And then there was the flower bed at Classes outside the rugby club with so many bees feeding on the lavender. Absolutely amazing.
Fionn Laoi is an area close to the River Lee with over 33,000 trees growing in a managed area with a surrounding walkway which runs beside the River Lee.
The entrance to Greenfields Estate/Coolroe Meadows is one of the most used entrances to Ballincollig. The flower bed under the Tidy Towns sign was revamped with additional pollinator Herbaceous plants.
We planted 5 mini Orchards in the grounds of Westgate for their clients to enjoy. Bird boxes and swift boxes were also installed.
Cork City Council developed a raised flower bed at the Innishmore Entrance to the Regional Park and their choice of planting is Bee Friendly and links well with the other areas on the Pollinator Corridor.
This week we say goodbye and thank you to Adrian as he finishes up his time on the CE Scheme. We are indebted to him for his hard work and dedication to Ballincollig Tidy Towns during his time with us. He has been a pleasure to work with and has played a significant role in many important projects carried out in Ballincollig.
On Tuesday Jimmy, Adrian, Tommy and Sunday tackled the laneway beside the old Gaelscoil from Westcourt Heights to the Inniscarra Road. They did a huge amount of work in the time.
On Tuesday evening we cut the grass on the Poulavone Roundabout.
As part of our ongoing efforts to support the All Ireland Pollinator Plan the grass is cut every 4 weeks. When cutting its much higher than would be normal and we mulch when cutting.
Some people ask why we don’t cut the grass tighter and strim the edges.
But by cutting it the way we do it allows clover and other wild flowers to grow and provide food for pollinators. Not cutting for 4 weeks gives everything a chance to grow.
With regard to the edges, they are now growing back after being killed off by salt used when the roads were gritted during the winter. We are allowing it to come back in a natural way.
Maintaining the roundabout in this way is making such a difference given the number of bees moths and butterflies flitting about.
On Wednesday morning Gay and the lads spread 3 large bags of bark mulch at the raised flower bed at Westcliffe. The project is now complete and took 8 large bags of bark mulch in total.
Sunday did some great work on Thursday morning cleaning the bicycle lane at Poulavone. At the same time Tom and Adrian were busy weeding around the Hydrangeas on the other side of the road.
On Tuesday night there were 11 Volunteers out for the work night. The majority were working on the area near the traffic lights at Poulavone and down along the cycle lane. Great work was done during the time.
Our “Dead Heading Group” work daily maintaining the Planters around Ballincollig and did so during the work night.
Announcing a dog reactivity seminar. A full day of interactive learning for reactive dog parents. Those with an active interest in dog behaviour, trainers looking to refine their behaviour programs & processes will have a wonderful opportunity to engage with other reactive dog owners going through the very same thing.
Learn everything you need to know about working through reactive behaviours, how to assess your own dog using unique processes, how to set up for success.
A second ticket option for a 1-2-1 personal experience for you and your dog will be available plus many more benefits including access to a private members group, the Alumni.
They are looking forward to meeting everyone and bringing ethical, certified advice & human centered support to all of Ireland.
To book your place & for more information: www.snoutandabout.ie/reactivity-master-class or email info@snoutandabout.ie
With 6 traders at the Wilton fair, there will be a massive amount of vinyl and CDs on show! Comet will have a selection of Irish showband, rock and new wave 70’s and 60’s Pop and Beat singles (mostly Irish pressings) as well as Rock, Pop , Metal and Irish vinyl albums and 600 newly arrived CDs this week!
Throughout July and August, qualified volunteer Canadian and International judges will visit participating communities and evaluate each on its overall performance within the following criteria: community appearance, environmental action, heritage conservation, tree management, landscape, and plant and floral displays. This comprehensive evaluation provides guidance on continuous community improvement and is based on the local conditions and achievements of residents, businesses, organizations, institutions, and municipal government, all working together towards common objectives, and making community engagement an essential component of the program.
The communities will be rated from 1 to 5 Blooms, based on the scoring obtained.
Also, the national and international communities will aim to obtain Bronze, Silver or Gold levels in their 5-Bloom rating. This year Ennis in Clare will be representing Ireland on the International stage and we wish them every success. (SuperValu’s Tidy Towns Newsletter)
The results of the 2023 Ireland’s Best Kept Towns competition for 2023 were announced at an event in Farmleigh House in Dublin on June 20th. This is an all-island competition whereby entrants to the SuperValu TidyTowns competition compete with entrants from the Best Kept competition in Northern Ireland. Doreen Muskett MBE from the Northern Ireland Amenity Council and Mary Hurley, Secretary General of the Department of Rural and Community Development were on hand to announce the winners and to present the awards.
Blackwater in Wexford named as Ireland’s Best Kept Village; Carrick on Shannon in Leitrim picked up the title of Irelands Best Kept small town and the overall title.
Enniskillen in Fermanagh were named as Ireland’s Best Kept Large Town: Antrim took the title of Ireland’s Best Kept Large Urban Centre. (SuperValu’s Tidy Towns Newsletter)
Aidan Ring the Communities Outreach Officer with Fairtrade Ireland spoke about TidyTowns’ conscious consumption and Fairtrade. Conscious consumption is the idea that we can make a difference to the world around us through the choices we make when buying things.
For Tidy Towns groups the idea of buying local is increasingly important as more value and jobs can be retained in local communities if money is spent locally.
Conscious consumption can also refer to buying less, and buying products that meet other sustainability criteria. Think Global – Act local!
The Fairtrade scheme covers commodities like coffee, cocoa, bananas, sugar, tea and others that grow in warm tropical parts of the world. A range of these products are now available in most shops in Ireland. Supported by most of the overseas charities Fairtrade works to ensure that the primary producers of the goods we buy get a better deal through what we are buying from them.
‘It’s amazing to know that something so simple as your shopping basket can help someone in Africa” – Connie from Carrick-on-Shannon said.
In recent years during Fairtrade Fortnight in February, some Tidy Towns groups have become interested in Fairtrade as another way of supporting sustainability. Newcastle West, Adare and Bruff in Limerick and the Tidy Towns group in Carrick on Shannon in Leitrim have all gotten involved.
Aidan Ring, the Communities Outreach Officer with Fairtrade said; ‘It aligns with strategic vision of TidyTowns, through metrics like sustainability and biodiversity, and it’s also a way to take action and make a difference – the whole idea of thinking globally and acting locally.
For more information about how Tidy Towns groups can engage with Fairtrade visit or email Aidan@fairtrade.ie (SuperValu’s Tidy Towns Newsletter)
Muintir na Tíre Cork are excited to announce the relaunch of Cork Cultural Companions at two special events happening this July. An Age & Opportunity Arts Initiative, Cultural Companions creates local networks of like-minded people aged 55 and over to attend cultural and arts events together.
Everyone knows that social engagement is important for people of all ages, but it’s especially crucial as we get older. Cork Cultural Companions provides a fun and friendly way for older people to stay connected with their community. But the benefits don’t stop there. Studies show that engaging in creative activities can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being, especially in older adults. Cork Cultural and Arts Scene is a vibrant, inclusive community that welcomes people of all ages. Whether attending a music concert, visiting an art exhibition, taking a heritage tour or watching a theatre performance, there’s something for everyone in Cork. Being a Cultural Companion means you can enjoy it in great company too. “We are thrilled to be relaunching Cork Cultural Companions in Cork City said Tara O Donoghue, the Programme Co-Ordinator. “The programme recognises the importance of social engagement and creativity in older age. There’s an emphasis on peer support and empowerment, so members select events and volunteers to meet and greet others. Going out together, members get to share the experience, try new things and meet others who share their interests”. Both events take place at 2pm; Tuesday 4th July in Tory Top Library, Ballyphehane and Wednesday 5th in Blackpool Library. It is a great opportunity to learn how Cultural Companions works. The afternoon will also feature music from local performers and refreshments, so come along and see what it’s all about!
By attending events and experiencing new things together, members stay connected with their community, engage with their creativity, and improve their well-being. “After years of dragging family members to events I found My Tribe! The day I was told about Cultural Companions I knew I was home.” commented Cultural Companions member Rosemary Meade, “People of all kinds with the same interests & love for cultural occasions of every type, were going to be accompanying me! No longer leaving the theatre, concert hall or cinema with all the thoughts running in my head, now there was commentary from all sides. It has enhanced my enjoyment and the fellow companions I have met are a delight.”
So, if your aged 55 or over and want to connect with like-minded folks while experiencing the best of Cork’s cultural scene, join Cork Cultural Companions today!
For more information, visit muintircork.com/cork-cultural-companions
Supported by the HSE Community Work Department, Cork City Council and Cork County Council, this programme is delivered by the Cork County Federation of Muintir na Tíre. Contact Cork Cultural Companions via email to culture@muintircork.com or tel. 021 4500688
On Wednesday 21st June Lord Mayor of Cork Councillor Deirdre Forde attended the All Saints Cemetery, Carr’s Hill, to mark the agreement which has been reached between Cork City Council and the HSE to enable the Local Authority take ownership of the famine graveyard.
The All Saints Cemetery is known to many local people as ‘The Pauper’s Graveyard.’ It is a national monument and an annual commemoration ceremony is held in the cemetery in September of each year.
Commenting on the event, the Lord Mayor said “I look forward to seeing the plans for maintaining, interpreting and honouring this significant site in our history. Today marks a new opportunity to remember our ancestors who died in An Gorta Mór – The Great Famine.”
All Saints Cemetery was used as a burial ground for victims of the Great Famine and paupers, and was in use as a burial ground up until the 1950s by which time it became the final resting place for around 30,000 souls. Thousands of Cork people who died during The Great Famine are buried at Carr’s Hill. In the months of February to June 1847, 2,260 famine victims from the Workhouse on Douglas Road (now St Finbarr’s Hospital) were laid to rest in these grounds.
The late Jack Sorensen, a taxi driver in Cork, erected a cross to honour the famine dead back in 1958 which is still located on the graveyard site. Jack passed away in 1979 but his legacy lives on through a memorial carrying his name at the foot of the cross. The US Ambassador to Ireland, Mrs. Jean Kennedy Smith, unveiled a memorial to the famine victims in this cemetery back in 1997. This was to mark the 150th anniversary of the Famine in Ireland.
Closing date for applications for Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards for 2023 Friday, 30th June 2023
Age Friendly Ireland is thrilled to announce they are back and looking forward to receiving hundreds of applications to the Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards for 2023. They are calling for organisations, businesses, individuals/members of the public, agencies and communities to submit applications on projects, initiatives or programmes that support older people and that they consider to be age friendly. Eight categories of awards, aligning to the WHO themes, have been chosen as they have a meaningful impact on the lives of older people in Ireland:
They are seeking innovative projects from across the range of areas that have real impact and have the potential to be showcased and replicated. They will be welcoming initiatives at both local and national levels. Shortlisted projects will be visited by the judging panel and invited to Ireland’s Age Friendly Recognition and Achievements Awards ceremony in Clayton Whites Hotel, Wexford on 30th November 2023.
To apply please click on the link below:
For more information,visit the website,