Cork Birdathon – Sunday, 3rd March 2019 in Cul de Sac Pool, Inchydoney, Pillmore Strand, Youghal, Harpers Island, Glounthaune
The aim of Cork Birdathon is to raise awareness of the incredible bird life that exists in the county of Cork, particularly in the harbour area, and to encourage people to avail of the innovative bird trail that has been developed by SECAD Partnership CLG. At the moment, the bird trail extends from Rocky Bay, near Crosshaven to Foxhole, on the outskirts of Youghal and can be enjoyed by young and old, from complete beginners to bird watching enthusiasts. Within a matter of miles, bird species can vary, which provides bird trail users with a wonderful showcase of bird species.
On 3rd March, everyone is invited to take part in the Cork Birdathon at one of the Meet the Expert locations:
10:00-12:30: Cul de Sac Pool, Inchedoney
11:30-14:00: Pillmore Strand, Youghal
14:30-17:00: Harpers Island, Glounthaune
There will be experts at each location to help you identify the birds that you will see on the day. You can also visit any of the sites along the South and East Cork Bird Trail where you will find information boards which illustrate the birds usually found at that location.
For more information go to and follow us on Facebook at