Some weeks ago, we asked if those who had trophies in their possession would kindly return them to us without delay. Unfortunately, we have yet to receive any. 
beautifulLee RIVER EVENT
beautifulLee have decided they will be holding the last of their three River Event pick-up mornings on Saturday next 5th September from 10am to noon in the field across the river from The Anglers. Government guidelines will be complied with. See full details of same in the earlier blog on our website.

Two people each spent one-and-three-quarter hours watering the other night. Eight hundred litres of water were used. All the planters at Eastgate and the remaining flowers on the poles were watered. The weather took a turn and put an end to the watering.
Denis our Volunteer has done outstanding work on all the benches throughout Ballincollig. Each one has been completely sanded down and both the timber and metal have been repainted. The result is fantastic. We are very grateful to him for all his hard work.

Last Sunday morning we had twenty Volunteers out for the weekly Litter Pick. Thankfully the levels of litter were low with only eight bags of litter collected.
During the week some of our Volunteers were out litter picking. Three bags of litter and one bag of glass were collected.
A Volunteer carried out a Litter Pick from Greenfields Roundabout towards Kilumney. Five bags of litter and one bag of cans were collected. This shows that the amount of litter being thrown from vehicles is very high. What a shame.
Nine bags of green waste were collected from Carriganarra and one bag from Rosewood.  We are grateful to the Residents for their efforts.

Some weeks ago, we highlighted that SOMEONE was leaving domestic green waste at Leo Murphy Terrace expecting the Tidy Towns Workers to collect it instead of getting rid of it like everyone else does.  We did say that we would not be collecting this waste going forward. And we did ask would they refrain from doing this in future.    
The grass has not been cut in front of the houses here in the past few weeks yet one house continues to put out their garden waste.
Perhaps the person involved is elderly or unable to dispose of this waste themselves due to not having transport. If that is the case, please make yourself known to the Ballincollig Tidy Towns Workers and we can sort something.
However, if it is merely laziness and a presumption that others should dispose of your waste, please show more respect. 


The flowers in the majority of the planters sadly didn’t survive storm Ellen and Francis and so were removed and placed in the compost bays at the Allotment. These planters have also been taken to the Allotment and are being prepared for 2021. On Monday evening two of our Volunteers took the opportunity to power wash the footpaths and railings where the planters were. Our thanks to John O’Donovan of O’Donovan Environmental who kindly let us borrow a tanker with a powerful washer. One more evening should see the job completed.
Last Saturday with some welcome dry weather Pat Clarke cut the grass on Poulavone Roundabout. The grass had not been cut in a while because of the recent rain. It was in bad need of a tidy up. It took him one and a half hours to cut the entire thing.
On Tuesday Morning some of the CE Workers raked the cut grass. Thirteen bags were collected and taken to the compost bays in the Allotment. It’s good to lend a hand.

On Monday, Anthony strimmed the area outside the Allotment while another CE Worker was busy painting creosote onto the raised bed timbers inside.
Protruding briars on Station Road near Madonna House and at Eastgate were cut back,
Some more flowers were collected from Tesco and taken to ‘intensive care’ in the Allotment.
Suckers were removed from the trees in Innishmore and Community Drive.

It is wonderful to see some work being carried out on Main Street.