The benches around Ballincollig are in need of some tlc so this week Denis, one of our Volunteers, started work on them. Over the next few weeks, they will all be sanded down and repainted.
Whether to sit and chat with a friend or to watch the world go by, plenty of bums have settled themselves on these benches over the years.
Having them all spruced up will be very welcome.

Despite some showers last Saturday, one of our Volunteers managed to cut the grass on the Poulavone Roundabout. This took some time as there was plenty of growth. There were a huge number of bees and butterflies on the pollinator plants which was wonderful to see.
The volume of traffic in the area was similar to precovid numbers which is certainly a positive sign as it gives a sense of normality.
The first of three River Events took place last Saturday. These events are being organized by the BeautifulLee Group set up by Mary, after time she spent with her family along the river during lockdown. The idea for the group came about from becoming reacquainted with the river and the area along it over the past few months. Many happy hours were spent there skipping stones, enjoying picnics, fishing and walking. So much so that Mary was keen to know more about the nature and the water and to share it with others. She also wanted to tidy up the areas that were littered. The Chairman of Ballincollig Tidy Towns, Tom Butler said they would do their bit and provide litter pickers, high-vis vests, refuse bags and gloves for the events and would also collect the filled bags of waste.
And so, last Saturday around 30 people of all ages gathered at 10am by the Inniscarra Graveyard. They got to work and collected 8 bags of rubbish and one old mattress. After this was completed, the kids and some of the adults enjoyed making chalk creations on the pebble beach.
Pat O’Callaghan provided historical background on the area which was very informative.
Everyone had a very enjoyable time and new friends were made.
There are two more events planned (so far) on the first Saturday of August and the first Saturday of September. Hopefully people will come out and join the BeautifulLee Group.
Check out the River Event blog on our website

Although Ballincollig Tidy Towns has not as yet officially started back after being stood down due to the Coronavirus, many Volunteers have been busy carrying out Litter Picks throughout Ballincollig. This has made such a difference. More Volunteers are back out each week which is encouraging.
During the week sixteen bags of litter were collected. In addition, one bag of glass, one bag of cans and one bag of plastic were collected.
Two bags of green waste were collected from Leo Murphy Terrace.
A big thank you to the residents of Glendower who carried out a Litter Pick in their Estate.
Despite the fact that work could not be carried out over the past few months due to lockdown, nature was not caught up in such restrictions and continued doing its thing. As a result, low hanging branches have become an issue around Ballincollig. In some areas, pedestrians are having to duck to avoid them. Several people out running have commented that a number of these branches are causing an obstruction resulting in them stepping onto busy roads. Ballincollig Tidy Towns has been in contact with Cork City Council who have agreed to attend to them soon.
Thursday night last week ‘The Waterboys’ spent two and a half hours watering the planters and used 1,100 litres of water. All the planters on the poles and railings and at Eastgate were watered. While one is watering the other is deadheading so this is getting two jobs done at the one time.
Watering continued on Monday night and three-and-three quarter hours were spent watering all the planters. 1,900 litres of water were used. The planters at Eastgate took 600 litres alone.
They also watered the Transition Stone bed, the flower beds on Station Road and the planters at the Church of St Mary and St John.
With businesses reopening in Ballincollig it is important for us all to remember to lend our support wherever and however we can. Practically all businesses have suffered but with local support they will thrive once again. Check out Ballincollig Tidy Towns Volunteer Kitty as she goes about her day shopping local.