There were twelve Volunteers carrying out Litter Picks on Easter Sunday.
It was wonderful to see some more Volunteers return and we even welcomed new Volunteers.
It was disappointing to see an increase in fast food rubbish on the streets on Sunday morning.
Credit is due to City Council staff who make sure that the bins are emptied and the surrounding areas are kept clean.
Twenty bags of Litter, one bag of Glass, one bag of Plastic and seven bags of Green Waste were collected in total from the Litter Picks during the week and on Sunday.
Some of the Volunteers who were out during the week and on Sunday morning were Martin, Christine, Kitty, Sheila, Ferghal, Tony, Denis, Tom, Pat, Garret, Brid, Henry, Oran.
Leo Murphy Terrace have started their grass cutting and we collected 3 bags of green waste from them.
A big ‘Thank You’ to Residents of Muskerry Estate and Lisheen Fields for carrying out Litter Picks. 
On Good Friday Residents did a clean-up on the Killumney Road to Grange Cross and collected eight bags of Litter. A word of thanks to Tony and his team.


John cut the grass on the Killumney Road.
On Easter Monday Pat took the BTT watering unit, cleaned it and prepared it for repainting.
Once the summer Planters are in place this unit will be in constant use.


The Planters on Main Street were covered with newspaper and stone chips to keep weeds at bay. The result was a marked improvement.


Ballincollig Tidy Towns has always been proud of the Allotment and all that goes on there.
During the week Anthony and John gave the shrubs there a trim.



Anthony took away ten bags of heavy Green Waste to be recycled.
John put some freshly cut grass that had arrived into Compost Bay 1. He also weeded the Flower Beds.


What a wonderful idea, as part of the All-Ireland Pollinator Plan. By ‘pledging your garden for Pollinators’ you will choose to make it a healthy pitstop for Pollinators in the landscape. Ballincollig Tidy Towns is going to pledge the Allotment and will choose some other areas in Ballincollig that will be suitable.
By taking some simple actions you will help to provide much needed food and shelter for pollinating insects while, at the same time, creating a beautiful, colourful garden.
For more information on this worthwhile fun exercise, read the blog on our website PLEDGE YOUR GARDEN FOR POLLINATORS. We can all help to make a difference.


This week Denis spent many hours painting the Bee Hives that were removed from the centre of the Poulavone Roundabout. What a wonderful yellow colour. They look gorgeous, so bright and cheerful. These Bee Hives are not in use other than for decorative purposes.
Next week when the Transition Year Students from Ballincollig Community School return after the Easter break, they will add the artwork to them. Once this has been done, they will be returned to the Roundabout.


Denis also found time to clean several more signs. These were on Old Fort Road and Community Drive and also near the White Horse.
He continued his work treating the Railway Sleepers. The latest was the Flower Bed at Classis outside the Rugby Club.
Back in March of last year just before we were all forced into complete lockdown due to the Coronavirus, Ballincollig Tidy Towns held a meeting introducing its new initiative – to make Ballincollig a Spray Free town.
At this meeting, it was announced that a committee would be set up to help and to advise Residents in the various Estates on how best to achieve this. The Chairman, Tom Butler said that it was one of the most important initiatives being driven by BTT as spraying was not an option anymore and we would all need to take responsibility to make this succeed.
Lockdown caused the initiative to be stalled somewhat and progress was disappointing. However, with some new found freedom and lockdown easing, BTT will be pushing forward with the plan in the coming weeks and months.
Your support is vital for the success of this initiative. What we do now will benefit generations to come.


Midweek marked 100 days of Ireland’s vaccination rollout.  Ireland also reached a milestone with the one millionth person receiving their vaccination.
Around four million doses are due to be received by Ireland in the coming months. This marks a significant boost in supply.
People in the 65-69 age group – you can register for your Covid-19 Vaccine from 19 April.
Paul Reid, HSE Chief Executive said there are now 11,000 trained vaccinators across the entire country, 5,500 being HSE workers.
Up to thirty vaccination centres are expected to be operating throughout April. They won’t however all be operating together at the same time every day.
Towards the end of April and into May the number of vaccinations carried out will hopefully be above 250,000 per week.
Please ensure you turn up for your appointment when required to do so. If you decide you don’t want the vaccine then it is vital that you inform the vaccination centre so that someone else may take your place.
Failure to keep your appointment or to inform the relevant parties can cause vaccines to be wasted. This is unfair to others who are awaiting their vaccines.