With the first day of Spring fast approaching and restrictions having been removed, we in Ballincollig Tidy Towns are encouraging Shops, Schools, Businesses, Sports Clubs and Residents Associations to start planning.  Increase in-planting pollinators, erect some bird boxes and bug hotels and try not to cut the grass.


Corks Lifelong Learning Festival is back again for 2022.
So now it’s time to start thinking about how you might participate in the 18th Cork Lifelong Learning Festival.
The dates for this year’s festival are set to be Monday 4th – Sunday 10th April 2022.
Submissions for both online and face-to face events will be welcomed
Deadline for submission of events is 5pm Friday 18th February.
The application process has moved online and here is the link to the
2022 Festival Host application form:
Having trouble with the form, or have an idea for an event get in touch at 0879608249 or at
Celebrating learning should be fun and accessible to all and in-keeping with the festival motto – Investigate, Participate, Celebrate.
A wide range of events in a wide variety of formats that celebrate lifelong learning are welcomed.
Thanks to each person who took part in previous festivals either as a participant or a host. 



pics: spring at Muskerry Junction


Last Sunday 25 Volunteers and 5 Transition Year Students turned up for the weekly litter pick.
With such a great turnout a wide area was covered in the hour. Bright yellow pockets could be seen everywhere.
Many Volunteers continued with their various litter picks during the week.
Every Sunday Pat Clarke uses his jeep to collect the litter from all the locations and brings it back to the allotment.
All the litter collected was then put together and from this there were 2 bags of cans and 3 bags of plastic.


pic: above and beyond



Each Monday morning our workers go through all the collected litter bags at the allotment. Everything is segregated into plastic, glass, cans and general waste.
Tuesday, time was spent tidying the Fairy Trail. Three bags were filled with old fairy doors, screws etc.
We would appeal to people please to refrain from using nails or screws when fixing fairy doors to the trees. We are looking at ways that will allow this to happen without damaging the trees.
Adrian started tidying up the flowerbed at the entrance to Fr Sexton Park and finished it on Wednesday. Four half one-ton bags were removed.
As part of our Planning for Summer 2022, we decided to get additional pole planters for Ballincollig. Thursday they started to erect these. This is phase one of 3 phases.



pics: weeks work


Our workers got a lovely surprise when a passerby who saw them putting the planters in place gave them money to get some refreshments afterwards. Such a kind gesture, greatly appreciated.


Ballincollig Tidy Towns is blessed to have such an amazing pool of volunteers ranging from the very young to the not so young.
Each one makes an amazing difference and pride in their community is second to none.


pics: volunteers