Newsletter 03 February 2025
Another Washout Sunday
On Sunday we had to cancel our Litter Pick because of heavy rain and winds. Despite being cancelled some people still went out and Denis emptied all the Butt and Gum Bins which are being used more and more.
This week one of our members observed a person coming out of their premises and having a cigarette and then disposing of the butt in one of the Bins. Had it not been there we know where it would have ended up. So Thank You to those who continually us them.

We Need Your Help
Please see details of a Blood Donation Clinic this week
Blood Stocks are Critically Low so please donate if you can.

Spot the difference!!
On Tuesday while the lads were working on the Westcliff bed Jimmy went to do another job. Jimmy washed the algae from the planters at the Maxol Junction. Using the good old elbow grease he certainly made a huge difference.

Tuesday Blue Skies
On Tuesday morning with bright blue skies Jimmy, Tom, Sunday and Keith continued the work removing leaves from the flowerbeds at Westcliff.
They did an amazing job and removed 14 Tonnes Bags of leaves and weeds from the bed.

Community Spirit Awards
Photos courtesy of Brian Lougheed of members of Ballincollig Tidy Towns at the Annual Community Spirit Awards ceremony in Cork International Hotel last Friday night.

Hump Day Works
On Wednesday also known as Hump Day at work Ger H, Tom, Keith and Sunday tidied the left path from Maglin Junction to Station Road Junction. They did an excellent job and the difference is very noticeable.
They removed 15 small bags of weeds and silt which were recycled.

Regional Park Ballincollig
Now that February has arrived and we can all see a “great stretch in the evenings” !! The Regional Park is now open until 7pm for people to enjoy this amazing facility.
Please be aware that the gates to the Car Parks will be Locked af 7pm sharp each evening.

Date for your Dairy

Happy Birthday to Comhaltas Ballincollig

On a Friday evening on 31st January 1975 the Ballincollig Branch of Comhaltas Ceoltóiri Eireann was formed. 50 years later to the day they held their Celebratory Concert (Ceolchoirm Cheiliúrtha) in Colaiste Choilm.
Over those 50 years the Branch has grown significantly and in that time the work they have done promoting our culture in music and dance is immense and has a huge influence on so many people of all ages.
This was very evident with the wealth of talent that performed on Friday night. From the members of the recently formed Ceolfhoireann Traidishúnta Mhúscraí – Bláth na hÓige under Directors Caroline Uí Chathasaigh and Brian Ó Broin to the established Macalla Cheoltóirí Mhúscraí under Director Martin Power the performances were excellent and it was a most enjoyable and memorable performance. Young and older demonstrated incredible skill and really showed the dedication each member has.
Well done to everyone involved over the last 50 years and every success for the future.

A busy Thursday!!
On Thursday morning Ger K Natalie, Tom and Sunday did fantastic work doing a clean up after the recent storm and collected 10 tonne bags of tree debris from the footpath beside the bicycle shop at Hodders Villas and then from the footpaths at the lights in Coolroe Meadows.
A fantastic morning’s work.

Muintir na Tire Cork News
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