Newsletter 10 August 2024
Bank Holiday Sunday
We were down some people because of the Bank Holiday Weekend but still on Sunday Morning we had 22 volunteers out.
All the usual areas were covered and while there was a bit more than usual especially fast food items we still only collected 7 full bags of litter which we’re segregated on Tuesday Morning and there was a further 3 bags of litter were collected as a result of litter picks each day during the week. We also collected 1 bag of Green Waste. One half of The Deadly Duo was working cleaning the base of the wall in front of Westcliffe and we collected 2 bags of debris.
This was all done before adjourning to The Plaza for the all important Cuppa and Chat.
Tuesday Morning Part 2
Jimmy, Tom, Sunday and Keith continued their work on Tuesday by cutting back a section of overgrown shrubs in a section of Wyndham Downs. Their work yielded 2 x ton bags of cuttings which they removed.
Sunday Cleaning
One of our volunteers empties the Gum and Cigarette Butt Bins every Sunday morning and thankfully the amounts that he collects is getting bigger which is very positive. On Sunday morning Denis did a great job washing the bins and in particular one bin where he removed a huge amount of stickers from Vapes.
The results were fantastic.
Our Sunflower Patch continues to develop and brighten our allotment. It is so interesting to stand and observe the many bees working hard on the various flowers .
Coolroe Hedge
Thursday morning Ger, Keith, Tom and Sunday did an amazing job removing bindweed from the Beech Hedge opposite Coolroe Heights. They removed
4 tonne bags of bindweed in total. What a difference they made.
Tuesday Worknight
Operation Edging In Greenfields
On Tuesday evening our team turned up to carry out edging at Greenfields Estate. It was like military precision. Hen marked the edge ahead of Ger who came along with the edging machine and cut the sod and then Cillian came along with the spade and moved all the sod while the rest of the team came behind and bagged it all. To finish Vince drove the van and trailer along and we packed the trailer and then we blew any excess dust. What a amazing job and we gained a huge amount of space on the footpath. Check out the Video on Instagram. An amazing Team Effort.
Who else would do it??
On Thursday evening one of our volunteers did a fantastic job cleaning the kerbside on what is a private road. If we didn’t do it… who would do it… nobody which is very demoralising. BTT sees the bigger picture and goes the extra mile to make a difference. It’s a shame that Private Owners don’t do the same.
Thursday Worknight
Our Team were back at Greenfields on Thursday evening to continue our work on edging the footpath. When we look back at this week we can really see what a difference our volunteers made.
Thank You Sponsors 2024
A huge Thank You to all those who have supported our 2024 Window Sticker Campaign. Your support is greatly appreciated and allows us to continue our work in enhancing our community. All our sponsors are listed on our Website.
“The Lads”
This Trio are an amazing bunch. If you want to do some work while chatting and enjoying a good few laughs this is the group to join. They look as if they are sitting down and doing nothing but they work hard and then enjoy each other’s company and to be honest these pictures show the real ethos of Tidy Towns.
The Wednesday Boys
Vince Sunday and Keith struck off on Wednesday morning and finished off the work from Tuesday nights work from the left hand side from the Coolroe Meadows Roundabout to the Kilumney Road. They also brought a trailer load of cuttings for recycling. The difference on the footpath is amazing.
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