Newsletter 20 January 2025
A Busy Monday!
We were back to normal this week and had some catching up to do.
Gay, Tom, Sunday had a busy morning on Monday.
Tom and Sunday began by emptying bags of leaves into Compost Bay 1
Gay and Tom removed 10 tonne bags leaves and branches to recycling.
On Sunday while walking Gay met a lady in Manor Hill who was nervous about the wet leaves on the footpath. She feared she would slip.
Gay and Tom removed the wet leaves from the footpath. Once finished it was much safer. A job well done. While there they found a dumped Christmas tree. Some people just don’t care!!
Meanwhile Sunday was back in HQ segregating the rubbish.

Tuesday Morning Works
Jimmy, Sunday and Tom spent Tuesday morning segregating the balance of the weekend’s litter pick.
Once segregated they took , 3 large trays of bottles brought to bottle bank.
They then continued to fit wicks into 72 planter inserts.
Another busy morning.

Volunteer Opportunities
Want to make a real impact in your community? Join Ballincollig Tidy Towns and be part of the team keeping our town the cleanest and most beautiful in Ireland! Whether you have an hour to spare or want to get more involved, there’s a role for everyone. From social media and graphic design to green spaces, biodiversity, sustainability, and litter control, your skills and passion can help shape a cleaner, greener future. Come join our vibrant volunteer community and help us maintain our award-winning reputation— get involved today!
Contact us at 087 6348807 or secretary@

What a difference!
When we have all the rubbish segregated we put the remainder into recycled bags. On Thursday Ger and Tom took 25 bags of rubbish and put them into our compactor. The 25 bags were compacted to 3 bales. They were then put into the skip.
An amazing difference.

Wednesday & Thursday Works
On Wednesday Ger H, Tom and Sunday continued replacing the wicks in the planters. A slow and tidesous job.
On Thursday we got great help from Natalie this morning who joined us to put wick’s into the plant inserts while Tom and Sunday emptied most of the large plant boxes into Bay 1.
Ger K and the lads painted the ‘x’ on the inserts from the planters. They cleaned the plastic bottles that were soaking in the water barrels. These are plastic bottles that cannot be put into the Return It machines.
They also collected 3 bags of leaves from the gap between Beech Park and Castlepark as a result of the hard work by a Beech Park resident. A huge amount of work.
This finished off a very busy week.

Muintir na Tire Cork News
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News from Biodiversity Ireland
January 2025
This monthly newsletter provides an update on some of the work of the National Biodiversity Data Centre and highlights upcoming events.
To read the news click HERE