Newsletter 25 October 2024
A Windy Sunday
On Sunday morning we had 23 volunteers plus 7 Transition Year Students out for our Weekly Litter Picks. We covered a large area and in some cases because of the wind we had to chase the litter. Pat collected 5 bags of litter and an additional 3 bags of litter from litter picks during the week. He also collected a bag of used Vapes Yes a bag of Vapes. These are becoming more and more of a litter issue. In next week’s newsletter we will update you on what we do with the vapes that we collect.
We all adjourned to The Plaza for a very welcome Cuppa and some lovely Coffee Cake and Lemon Drizzle compliments of the Team at the Plaza.
The Wait is Nearly Over
Next Friday 1st November in Croke Park the results of the 2024 SuperValu National Tidy Towns Awards will be announced.
Members of Ballincollig Tidy Towns have been invited and will be among hundreds more on the day. This year there are close to 900 entries.
As always there are anxious days ahead especially on the day when we wait on tender hooks to see if we have improved and held on to our Gold Medal.
The results will be announced around 1pm and there will be a special Nationwide on RTÉ 1 at 7pm.
Whatever happens our Amazing Committee and Volunteers will continue to do what they do week in week out 52 Weeks of the year.

Done and Dusted
On Monday Tuesday and Thursday this week Ger, Gay, Sunday, Tom and Keith
managed to get all of the high planters down from the poles on Main Street.
This is a difficult task as they are intertwined and heavy to remove. Once removed they were brought to the composting bays.
On Tuesday the lads collected 4 ton bags of leaves from Beech Road, also 6 bags from Pine Walk, and 20 bags from Carrigdene. A lot of leaves but all put to good use for composting.

Pride in Our Community 2024
On Thursday evening Pat Clarke and Ger Keogh represented us at the 2024 Pride in Our Community Awards in the Kingsley Hotel.
These awards are organised by Muintir na Tire in association with Cork City Council and Cork County Council. This year we had entered the Walking Trails that we had developed and we were delighted to be the Winner of The Healthy Community Award.
A proud night for BTT .

Busy TY Students
Each year when the TY Students start arriving to BTT on Sunday mornings they bring a very positive attitude with them. Each year they are an amazing group and this year is no different. Whatever task is put to them they go at it with enthusiasm and a sense of purpose and pride. Last Sunday it was a very windy morning with Storm Ashley making their presence felt. So collecting leaves may have been seen as a waste of time but they tackled it and they collected a few tonne bags in a short period of time. The result was that footpaths were safer and the rainwater could flow in to the drains.
The TY Students are a great group and their families and their teachers can be very proud of them.

Leafy Wednesday
On Wednesday morning Vince, Sunday and Keith were out cleaning a lot of leaves from the foot paths outside Maglin Estate. They collected 6 tonne bags of leaves and when finished it was very noticeable and much safer for pedestrians.
They also Collected 30 odd bags of leaves from Beech Park following the work of a very hardworking resident and brought them for composting.
What’s On Newsletter October 21-26
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Cork County Federation Muintir na Tire Weekly News
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