Ballincollig Tidy Towns

Old Town, New Beginnings

National SuperValu TidyTowns Winner 2024

Ireland’s Tidiest Large Urban Centre 2024

Gold Medal Winner 2024

Ballincollig National SuperValu TidyTowns Winner 2024


Click the Bees on the map to follow the Ballincollig Pollinator Corridor

1 Poulavone Roundabout 2 Glendower Court 3 The Link Road 4 Fr Sexton Park 5 Killumney Road 6 Killumney Road 7 Station Road 8 Coláiste Choilm 9 Main Street 10 Sunningdale 11 Cleburne Mews 12 Westcliffe Flowers Bed 13 Scoil Barra - Ballincollig Community School 14 An Caislean Raised Bed 15 Coolroe Flower Bed 16 Coolroe Meadows 17 Coolroe 18 Regional Park 19 Westcourt 20 Classis 21 The White Horse 22 Old Fort Road 23 Orchard 24 BTT Allotment 25 Coolroe Heights 26 Coolroe Meadows Roundabout 27 Greenfields Entrance 28 Westgate Foundation 29 Innishmore Entrance to Regional Park 30 Fionn Laoi

1 Poulavone Roundabout

A pollinator Heaven. Every plant is pollinator friendly. No Spraying. Less Cutting of the grass and 4 Areas left uncut.

2023 An additional 450 herbaceous pollinator plants to the flower beds
on the Roundabout.

2 Glendower Court

Wildflowers, Pollinator Friendly Planting, less frequent grass cutting, No Spraying

3 The Link Road

Managed Wildflower Meadow

4 Fr Sexton Park

2023: Summer Bedding removed and areas around Standard Roses re grassed
Additional pollinators planted around the Transition Stone

5 Killumney Road

Less Mowing Lots of Heathers in this area and visible signs of animal tracks

6 Killumney Road

Wildflower area and less mowing

7 Station Road

Pollinator Friendly planted Areas

8 Coláiste Choilm

Wildflower Meadow

9 Main Street

14 Wooden Planters with Pollinator Plants

10 Sunningdale

Pollinator Friendly area. Natural Stone Wall

11 Cleburne Mews

Pollinator Friendly Bed and less frequent mowing

12 Westcliffe Flowers Bed

An exceptionally large, raised flower bed with over 3000 plants which are pollinator friendly

13 Scoil Barra - Ballincollig Community School

Pollinator Friendly planting in both School grounds

14 An Caislean Raised Bed

A Community Flower bed which is pollinator friendly

15 Coolroe Flower Bed

Pollinator Friendly Bed installed by local business and maintained by local resident

16 Coolroe Meadows

In this estate Spraying has been stopped and at the entrance to each section of the estate sections of the grass areas have been replaced with Pollinator Friendly Plants

17 Coolroe

Large Sweeping beech hedge with grass area underneath with Dandelions and cut less frequently

18 Regional Park

A Pollinator Heaven. Managed Wildflower Meadows Large grass meadows uncut planting with thought throughout the 134 acres. An amazing area

19 Westcourt

Pollinator Friendly Planted Areas and No Spraying

20 Classis

Raised Bed with Pollinator Friendly Planting and across the road less frequent mowing in Pairc Cul Rua

21 The White Horse

White Horse

Pollinator Friendly Plants throughout all planters. Management are horticulturists

22 Old Fort Road

Old Fort Road

Two areas at rear of Castlewest left to grow naturally and will be manages over the coming year.

23 Orchard


50 Fruit Trees planted in conjunction DC 4 Bees. Area has no pedestrian traffic and is now deemed a Biodiversity Heaven

24 BTT Allotment

BTT allotment

Area outside allotment has a large uncut area as a Meadow. Pollinator Planting throughout the allotment

25 Coolroe Heights

Coolroe Heights

An estate that has transformed its activities and is providing plenty of food for the Bees

26 Coolroe Meadows Roundabout

The Roundabout in the Centre of Coolroe Meadows was traditionally planted with summer bedding. In a joint initiative we planted 250 Herbaceous Pollinator Friendly Plants in the 4 beds on the Roundabout

27 Greenfields Entrance

The Entrance to Greenfields Estate/Coolroe Meadows is one of the most used entrances to Ballincollig. The flower bed under the Tidy Towns Sign was revamped with additional pollinator herbaceous plants

28 Westgate Foundation

We planted 5 Mini Orchards in the grounds of Westgate for their clients to enjoy along with bird boxes and swift boxes

29 Innishmore Entrance to Regional Park

Cork City Council developed a raised flower bed at the Innishmore Entrance to the Regional Park and their choice of planting is Bee Friendly and links well with the other areas on the Pollinator Corridor

30 Fionn Laoi

Fionn Laoi is an area close to the River Lee with over 33000 trees grown in a managed area with a surrounding walkway which runs beside the River Lee

Our Mission

Bringing together all that is good in a community to create a Town future generations can be proud of

“Your future depends on what you do today”  (Mahatma Gandhi)


Ballincollig, being a town in County Cork, likely experiences a temperate maritime climate that can support a variety of ecosystems. Common habitats may include woodlands, wetlands, and urban green spaces. Local biodiversity could feature a range of plant species, including both native and introduced varieties, as well as diverse bird, insect, and small mammal populations.

Sustainable Development Goals

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), also known as the Global Goals, were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.

Spray Free Town

Although Ballincollig Tidy Towns SPRAY FREE INITIATIVE was put on hold due to the pandemic, in 2022 it gathered huge support from residents and Cork City Council alike.
The positive results of this action continue as more and more Estates come on board.

Biodiversity Booklet

Biodiversity Booklet

Biodiversity Booklet The aim of this booklet is to introduce some of the ways you can help biodiversity in your own garden

read more

Welcome to Ballincollig Tidy Towns

Ballincollig is nestled on the south bank of the river in the beautiful Lee Valley about 7 miles west of Cork City. Known to locals as ‘The Village’ Ballincollig became part of Cork City in 2019. It offers a wide and varied range of shops, services and industries for locals and visitors alike.

REGIONAL PARK BALLINCOLLIG is Ireland’s largest Industrial Heritage site covering an area of 134 acres, accommodating numerous Walkways and Trails, Playground, Skate Park, Multi-User Games Area, Pitches, Picnic Areas, and Permanent Orienteering Course (


  • The nearby Inniscarra Reservoir is home to many clubs
  • National Rowing Centre (
  • Inniscarra Sailing & Kayaking Club (
  • Cork Powerboat & Waterski Club (
  • Offers excellent bream, rudd, bream-rudd hybrid angling, having hosted a number of international competitions (