As a result of our patience and sacrifice

Taoiseach confirms ‘it is safe’ to go ahead with Phase One of re-opening from Monday



Small groups of up to four people – family or friends – may meet outdoors within 5km of home

Always maintain social distancing

Exercise must take place within 5km of home

It is recommended that face coverings be worn in public places such as shops and on busy public transport



Where it is safe to do so, construction workers can return to work

Farmers’ markets, gardeners and other outdoor workers return to work – social distancing requirements continue to apply

Remote working continues for all others that can do so

The Return to Work Safely Protocol is the operative guide for employers and employees



Certain essential retailers and service providers may reopen (listed below)

Garden centres and other retail outlets that are primarily outdoors may reopen

Remote working continues for all who can do so

The Return to Work Safely Protocol is the operative guide for employers and employees



Outdoor public amenities and tourism sites, eg carparks, beaches and mountain walks may reopen provided social distancing can be maintained

Outdoor public sports amenities eg playing pitches, tennis courts and golf courses may reopen provided that social distancing can be maintained

Outdoor sporting and fitness activities, either individually or in groups of no more than four people, are permitted provided that social distancing can be maintained and there is no physical contact

The 5km from home restriction applies to all outdoor activity



Non-essential overseas travel should be avoided



School and college buildings may reopen for teachers and staff solely for the organisation and distribution of learning materials, related activities and essential administration

The purpose of school and college opening is solely to facilitate remote learning


Main Retail Activities that may operate from 18th May for essential supplies and services

Food, beverages and newspapers (retail and wholesale); household consumer products for safety and sanitation of homes and businesses; pharmacies and retailers providing pharmaceuticals or dispensing services; Opticians/Optometrists outlets providing hearing test services, selling hearing aids and appliances; Retail of medical and orthopaedic goods in specialised stores; Fuel stations and heating fuel providers, retailers involved in the sale, supply and repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles and related facilities; Essential items for health and welfare of animals; Laundries and drycleaners; Banks, post offices and credit unions; Safety items eg work clothes and personal protective equipment (PPE); Hardware stores, builders’ merchants and stores selling supplies and tools essential for gardening, farming and agriculture; Office products and services; Electrical, IT and phone sales, repair and maintenance services