Our second CE Worker is back this week and the work he has already completed has made a huge difference. He has been tackling the Hydrangeas from the Carrighrone Road to the Poulavone Roundabout. During lock-down the area had been left to its own devices giving the bees plenty of food. Now that the daffodils have died back, it is time to clear the area and let the Hydrangeas bloom and brighten the road. This work will take some time but the result will be worth it.
Another Volunteer has very kindly been strimming the low ditch directly behind the Hydrangeas and this is transforming the whole area.
On Sunday morning another of our Volunteers was out early watering this area and used over 1,000 litres of our harvested rain water.

The number of Volunteers returning to carry out Litter Picks is increasing each week. This week we welcomed Ferghal back.
Four bags of litter were collected from various routes.
A further four bags of litter and one bag of glass were collected from Kitty’s morning Litter Picks.
Two residents from the Maglin area were out doing their bit and collected two bags of litter in the Maglin Bridge area.
A large amount of litter on Main Street is what greeted another of our Volunteers very early on Sunday morning. This was as a result of overflowing bins, high winds and hungry crows. The first Litter Pick was carried out around 8am and four bags were filled. Then around 10.30am another Volunteer picked two more bags.
Unfortunately, this is not the first time that overflowing bins have been an issue in the town and have attracted many negative comments on social media.
Rosewood Residents Association were working in their Estate and collected one bag of litter and one bag of green waste.
Residents from Old Quarter were busy removing hedging and branches and collected four bags of green waste.
Inniscarra View Residents were out cleaning kerbs and collected four bags of grit and one bag of litter.
Carrigdene Residents were also very busy and collected twelve bags of green waste.
This week our CE worker began clearing weeds on Barry’s Road and on Wednesday seven tonne bags were removed. Clearing weeds on this road had not been on our agenda this year as other works were to happen to clean the area but now as a result of all this hard work, the place is looking so much better.

Thursday morning Green Dragon Recycling collected thirty-three bags of plastic and one very large bin of cans. A shout out to the students of Ballincollig Community School who have done a fantastic job collecting plastic bottles. More importantly, they have worked hard encouraging fellow students and teachers to reduce the number of plastic bottles they use.
Thank you to all the students for your continued support of Ballincollig Tidy Towns.
Our thanks to Ballincollig Scouts for maintaining the Ballincollig Tidy Towns sign and barrels in the Allotment. A lovely sight fresh and bright.

Monday saw the lifting of restrictions and shops reopening their doors again for the first time since the Coronavirus forced their closure in March.
This is wonderful to see and the importance of shopping local in support of businesses cannot be stressed enough.
Local businesses have supported all community organisations on a continuous basis throughout the years and now is the time for the community to give them as much support as possible going forward. This support is necessary for the survival of many businesses in the community. So, everyone be sure to shop local. And businesses, to ensure the community’s continued support, please do not hike up prices.
Unfortunately, some businesses will not be reopening their doors and this is very disappointing not only for the owners and the workers who will lose their jobs but also for the community.
It has been busy at Poulavone in the past week with workers from City Council cutting grass in the area. What a wonderful sight to see giving us all hope that things are beginning to return to normal.
The Poulavone Roundabout flowerbeds have been weeded and the flowers are looking lovely from every angle. There are lots of bees enjoying the many Pollinator Friendly plants here.
After the initial cutting of the grass on the Roundabout by some Volunteers from Ballincollig Tidy Towns a few weeks ago, in order to keep on top of it, one of them returned during the week and cut the grass again.