Although the Tidy Towns groups and their Volunteers faced another difficult year, they rose to the challenge and it was wonderful that this year’s competition went ahead.
The results of the 2021 competition will be announced on Friday 12th November, 2021 at a ceremony in the RDS in Dublin.
Over the years this would be an exciting albeit nerve wracking day for the Ballincollig Tidy Towns members who would travel to the event. However, unfortunately this year’s attendance will be limited to TWO members per Tidy Towns group being invited.
Although this is disappointing it is completely understandable under the circumstances and it does not take from the importance of the day.
The awards will however be live streamed. The following is the link.
The link only works in Google Chrome
All adjudication reports and the results booklet will be available on the Tidy Towns website from 1pm on November 12th, straight after the announcements are made. A copy of the results booklet and adjudication reports will be issued to all entrants by post to arrive on Monday November 15th.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns committee members met at the Oriel House Hotel last Monday night for their monthly meeting. Although very different due to restrictions etc., it was nice be able to mark the Pride In Our Community Award win with a photo of everyone and the plaque.
On Sunday morning there were more than thirteen Volunteers and three Transition Year students out for the weekly Litter Pick.
As is normal, during the week several of our Volunteers also carried out Litter Picks.
Ten bags of Litter were collected in total. When these were segregated at the Allotment on Monday, the total bags of Litter were reduced to eight. There was one bag of Plastic and one bag of Cans.
One bag of leaves was collected on Sunday.
With Halloween behind us, there are plenty of Pumpkins now ready for the rubbish heap. However, if you live in an area with wildlife why not place them outside for them to eat. Break the Pumpkins open and if the guts are still to be disposed of place them there too.
Birds and small animals love the seeds and the fruit. Any late hibernating hedgehogs, foxes, badgers and rabbits are sure to help themselves.
The leading charity changing the face of men’s health.
It’s that important time of year again where we encourage men to become more open to discussing all aspects of their health and subjects like prostate and testicular cancers and suicide prevention.
“Since 2003 Movember has funded more than 1,250 men’s health projects around the world, challenging the status quo, shaking up research and motivating men to take action for their health.”
Want to do more that Grow a Mo to help change the face of men’s health this year?
Run or walk 60km during the month of November. 60km for the 60 men who lose their lives to suicide, each hour every hour across the world.
Rally a crew and do something fun and easy virtually or in person. It’s all about hosting a Mo-ment and having a good time for a good cause.
Whether a lazy not-so-sweaty pledge to kick a bad habit or a gruelling test of physical endurance whether over a day or several weeks or even across the year, make ‘Mo Your Own Way’ your own and do what feels best.
“However You Mo Will Save a Bro.” Sign Up or Donate Now. Your Donation Could Help Save a Man’s Life.
For more information visit
BTT is planning to increase the number of Poles on Main Street that will have Planters on them in the coming year. With the assistance of Cork City Council we were in a position to purchase some of these Planters and took delivery of them today.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns has decided to start the planned Hydrangeas Project at Carrigrohane Junction to Poulavone in the coming week or so.
A section of them did not perform well due to the low standard of soil in the area. The plan is to remove the plants, store them and prepare the area with quality soil and some of our compost from the Compost Bays at the Allotment.
The Hydrangeas will then be replanted and fingers crossed they will flourish in the coming year.
While the Tidy Towns carry out this work there may be some disruptions in the cycle lane, but the work is scheduled to be carried out early in the day keeping any disruption to a minimum.
The various cycle groups will be made aware of this work ahead of time.
Now that the clocks have been put back and the evenings are darker earlier, the closing time for Regional Park Ballincollig, is now 5pm.
Monday morning’s work began with the removal of some of the summer flowers from around Ballincollig. The first area worked on was from the Oriel House Hotel to the Old Square.
The flowers at Eastgate are still looking so well that BTT decided to keep them in place until the end of the month.
John and Adrian spent time sorting, cleaning and disinfecting the Planters that were brought in.
They cleaned the path and steps along the pathway from the rear of Westgate to Innishmore. This was important as so many people use this pathway daily and it needs to be kept safe.
In 2016, Carrigrohane Union of Parishes hosted Cork’s first Christmas Tree Festival, and Ballincollig Tidy Towns joined them in the celebrations. In 2016 Ballincollig Tidy Towns decorated ‘The Saviour Tree’.
This year the CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL CORK is planned from Thursday 9 December to Monday 13 December, with special events for everyone to enjoy.
In addition to a number of family events they will once again be hosting a trail of imaginatively decorated trees that will tell the Christmas story in a new and wonderful way in St Peter’s Field in Carrigrohane; in the grounds of The Church of the Resurrection in Blarney; in the grounds of St Senan’s, Inniscarra and in the ‘West Wing’ of The Carraig Centre in Ballincollig. The trail of trees decorated by many schools and community groups throughout the parish area will be open for visitors to explore and enjoy. There will be boxes for those who choose to give donations which will be used to support the churches’ on going work and local community projects. There will be no entry fee.
They will be working in partnership with St Vincent de Paul’s Christmas food appeal as part of the Christmas Festival Cork.
BTT is very kindly being gifted a tree with stand to decorate.
Leecourt Residents have been busy this week collecting the fallen leaves from their Estate. Twelve bags are now ready for us to take to the Compost Bays at the Allotment.
At a well attended Community Neighbourhood Watch Meeting on Wednesday in The Carraig Centre, Ballincollig, Garda McSweeney highlighted the importance of home and car security, and the need for us all to ensure our homes and cars are locked especially at night.