John, Adrian and Anthony
Heading to work on Wednesday morning.

As and from midnight Thursday, visiting other homes is no longer permitted for the entire country. For now, the only household visits will be to care for a family member/childcare or on compassionate grounds.
This is in the hope that the spread of the Coronavirus will be slowed.
Sunday morning saw seventeen Volunteers out for the Weekly Litter Pick. There were also five Transition Year Students from Colaiste Choilm who are working towards their Gaisce Award. The newest of these is Sean.
We are delighted that there is such a good turnout every Sunday despite the government restrictions that are in place.
Ten bags of litter were collected covering from Classes to Carrigrohane.
During the week some of our Volunteers carried out daily Litter Picks and they collected five bags of Litter, one bag of Glass, one bag of Plastic and one bag of Cans.
On Tuesday the first bags of fallen leaves were collected from Innishmore.
We also had four bags of leaves collected from Leo Murphy Terrace and four bags from Classis Lake.
Pat and Diarmuid were both out watering for an hour on Wednesday night. They gave the new plants in the Wooden Planters some extra water to help them get established. They also watered the Planters at Eastgate. In total, 500 litres of harvested rainwater were used.
The other half of ‘The Waterboys’ will be back in action in the coming days. We are very grateful to Diarmuid for stepping in during the week.
Briars and Bindweed were protruding onto the footpath in an area in Coolroe so Adrian sorted this and also tackled an area in front of a vacant property.

John and Anthony were busy working on the ivy on the Link Road.
Later in the week they put out the Winter Planters around the streets. The sight of some lovely fresh flowers is sure to give the community a welcome lift.

Adrian spent time at the Allotment making up a topsoil/compost mix for the Wooden Planters on Main Street. The old soil and compost were replaced with this new mix in preparation for replanting.
Replanting was then done on Tuesday evening. The following day, after they were put back in place, Adrian did some cleaning on the street around them.

Two bags of Plastic Bottles were collected from Ballincollig Community School.
John cut the grass both inside and outside the Allotment.
Adrian emptied the Cigarette / Gum Bins and then did some weeding and planting at the Allotment.
Strimming was done at the bottom of Westgate Path.

Ballincollig Tidy Towns Annual Awards Night was due to be held this Friday 16 October. However, due to the Coronavirus and subsequent government restrictions, the night had to be cancelled.
Each year we take a photo of the Committee. And so, this year in place of the 2020 photo we take a look back at 2016. This has to be one of our favourites…….we had our ‘hands full’ with Sheila Somers, the only female Committee Member 🙂