The Cope Foundation has had a longstanding relationship with Ballincollig and we in BTT are excited to work with everyone involved in their new Hub.
This week we had the pleasure of reaching out to them. Ger Keogh from BTT provided litter pickers, hi-vis jackets and gloves. We now look forward to working together going forward.


Tuesday morning, Jimmy and Adrian made good progress pruning the Hydrangeas at Carrigrohane. The work done already is quite noticable.
There is already plenty of new growth along this area.
Pruning Hydrangeas is not recommended in subzero temperatures so on Thursday morning we cut back the briars on the Killumney Road beyond Gaelscoil Uí Ríordáin instead.



Last Sunday 21 Volunteers gathered for the weekly litter pick. Because of such a large number a wide area was covered.
Seven Transition Year students were also out. Denis took them under his wing and they did an amazing job cleaning kerbs and drains of leaves on Old Fort Road.
The litter collected on Sunday was added to that collected during the week and also litter collected daily in the Regional Park by one of our Volunteers. Eighteen bags of Litter in total, 1 bag of Glass, 1 bag of Plastic and one bag of Cans. All were sorted at the Allotment.  



We are appealing to the public to please refrain from parking on the grass. We have signs explaining that there are bulbs planted on the grass and they are just beginning to come above ground.
Both Sunday and Monday last people ignored the signs and showed total disregard for all the hard work being done at the Innishmore Car Park area. People blocked gates and drove onto the grass and parked where they liked destroying both the bulbs and the grass.
A photographer from The Echo joined us for our Sunday morning gathering as a feature was being done on Ballincollig Tidy Towns.
Can people kindly show some respect for those who work tirelessly to keep Ballincollig and the Park looking its best. The damage that was done will take many weeks to undo.




Ballincollig Tidy Towns intends to hold its AGM in the coming weeks.
Due to the Charities Regulations, only members of BTT can attend and vote. Membership is free. It is an opportunity to express ideas and to hear in detail the work that is ongoing in our town.
Membership Application Forms will be available on our website shortly. Forms will also be available to complete and return to Pat Clarke, Ballincollig Tool Hire.





Cork City Libraries are delighted to announce a 4 week course in using the ACORN Age Friendly smart tablet in Bishopstown Library starting on Tuesday 28 February 2.00 – 4.00 pm.
Learn about getting on-line and keeping connected with these easy-to-use devices. The courses will be delivered by a skilled tutor and you’ll get to borrow the ACORN tablet for the duration of the course to allow you practice and use at home.
Spaces are limited so booking is essential.
Contact Bishopstown Library contact phone 021 4924950 or email
This course is provided in collaboration with Cork ETB.




Digital Literacy Classes are starting soon at Tory Top Library in conjunction with Age Action (Getting Started face-to-face (f2f) classes).
We are looking for participants or learners for our Digital Literacy classes here in Tory Top Library.
These classes are suitable for persons aged 55 or older. In classes the learners will be supported to:
-Send and receive emails
-Navigate the internet
-Download apps
-Shop and book flights
You can book you place at: or phone (0818) 911 109 or contact Tory Top Library at (021) 492 4934.




Housebound due to illness or accident?
Cork City Libraries can deliver to you at home, we can deliver to nursing homes in the city area too!
With Library Link you can access our vast wealth of reading material!
Simply email or call
(021) 492 4900 to register.
Alternatively ask at your local Cork City Libraries branch if you, or someone you know, might benefit from this service.
It’s simple to sign up and it is free.





Wednesday 15th March is the date Ballincollig Gardai are holding a Coffee Morning in Ballincollig Garda Station  from 10.30am. 
The event is being organised in aid of Motor Neurone and Field of Dreams Cork Down Syndrome.
All  are welcome.