If you have an hour a week to spare and would be interested in giving some time to your community why not make it your New Year Resolution to become a Tidy Towns Volunteer.


Sunday 5th January was our first official Litter Pick of the new decade. It was great to see so many Volunteers out on the morning (thirty six in total) together with two Transition Year students.

Although Sunday 20th December was the last official Litter Pick of 2019, our Volunteers never stopped over the Christmas and New Year period. There were some out every day including Christmas Day.

Denis, one of our Volunteers, spent his ‘Christmas Break’ erecting the ‘route posts’ for the Oriel House Walking Route. This took time and effort and we are grateful to him for this.

 The final ‘official’ Litter Pick collection of 2019 yielded – 

4 Bags of Cans, 6 Bags of Plastic, 12 Bags of Rubbish and 2 Crates of Glass.

The first ‘official’ Litter Pick for 2020 together with what was collected over the Christmas / New Year period resulted in 5 bags of plastic, 6 bags of cans, 7 bags of glass and 7 bags of waste.

Also 2 bags of leaves were gathered from Beech Park.


Our CE/TUS workers began the first of the new decade’s projects when they started back at work on Monday.

Project 1

They started with work on the footpath towards the Powdermills. Overhanging hedges were cut back and footpaths cleaned.

Project 2

The footpath from the old Gaelscoil Ui Riordain to the pedestrian entrance to the Regional Park was cleaned.



Project 3

John Buckley pruned the Hydrangeas at Poulavone. He also sorted out the Transition Stone Bed in Fr Sexton Park.




Project 4

An area at Poulavone running along the length of road opposite the Hydrangeas was cut back to tidy it up and to allow for a two phase planting. It is being planted as part of the Ballincollig Pollinator Corridor. Phase 1 will be the planting of seeds that will show this year and Phase 2 will be seeds that may show in 2020 but will have a better show the following year.


Our website proved very popular in 2019 with almost 15,500 visitors. We are looking to grow it further in 2020 so that it will be an improved source of local information all in one place at the touch of a button. During the past year Visitors to the website signed in from several countries around the world. The various Blogs proved most popular as did the ‘Images of Ballincollig Past’ page.

This year is the centenary of the War of Independence and the Burning of Cork and so we will be hoping to feature some relevant photographs on the ‘Ballincollig Past’ page. If you have any such photos, we would appreciate if you would let us upload them for others to enjoy.

Visit our website on


Cleaning of Traffic Islands commences this Saturday.