Over the past number of weeks, Ballincollig Tidy Towns has suggested families plant flowers in garden beds, window boxes, pots and tubs and perhaps other residents in their Estates would follow suit. We also suggested if they could come together while staying apart and organise a Wash Down day in their own Estate, it would help preparing for the upcoming SuperValu National Tidy Towns Competition. Garden walls could be washed down and, if needed, painted and paths in front of houses also washed. Hopefully some of the families within the Estates would then volunteer to wash down benches, signs etc all the while observing social distancing.
For those who have taken up the challenges, it would be lovely if they would share the photos with us so that we can post them on our website and Facebook page.
As the weather is in our favour at the moment, we have plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors, although restricted to our gardens for now. Plants are beginning to flower and it would be lovely if people would share photos from their gardens so they become part of a Portfolio for our website and Facebook page.
People may have several questions with regard to their gardens. Why not send in some to us and we will attempt to answer as many of these questions as possible.
Send your pictures to us on info@ballincolligtidytowns.ie