We are looking for Residents from various Estates to send in pictures of work done, flowers that have been planted, lawns that have been mowed etc. In fact everything. It is a wonderful way to admire what we cannot see in person at the moment.
Send us pictures of your efforts to info@ballincolligtidytowns.ie

Leecourt Residents were out in force taking care of their Estate. They were busy planting pollinator friendly plants which looked magnificent.

Rosewood Estate Residents continued with their work in their Estate this week. The entrance has been totally enhanced.
Thank you and well done to everyone involved.

The new occupants of Costcutters have shown their community spirit by placing planters outside their shop in Rosewood and planting them. A sincere thank you to them. It was wonderful for the Residents who had already been doing this work.
We are sure Costcutters will continue in this vein and we wish them well in their new venture.

Leecourt Residents have been very active working together (while observing social distancing) planting bee friendly plants in their Estate.
The result has been very impressive and will definitely enhance the area while making lots of bees very happy.

Well done to the Residents of Leesdale Court who have been busy edging around their green. The result is very impressive and so much better than spraying with weed killer.
Thank you to all.

Walking through Glendower Court Estate it is evident that an immense amount of work is being done by the Residents with regard to Biodiversity and Pollinators.
Well done to everyone involved and a special mention to the cutting of the grass around the trees. It looks very impressive. So much better than spraying.

Residents from Rosewood painting the planters in preparation for summer planting and cutting the grass at the entrance

A very big ‘Thank You’ goes out to the Residents of Old Quarter Estate who answered our call and sent in two beautiful pictures of some pots and a window box. A Litter Pick was also completed there by some Residents last week.