March 8th is International Women’s Day.
International Women’s Day is a global day that celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The campaign theme for this year is ‘Break The Bias’. Working towards achieving a world free of bias, discrimination and stereotypes, one that is inclusive, diverse and equitable where difference is valued and celebrated. Working to collectively ‘Break The Bias’.


pics: flowerbed outside Rugby Club


Last Saturday morning some of our Volunteers decided to head to Poulavone Roundabout to carry out a much-needed spring clean. They spent the time removing the dead foliage from the entire area. It was great to see all the new growth underneath.
It is worth noting that although the dead grass around the edge of the roundabout looks like it was sprayed it is in fact the result of salt which was spread on the roads during recent icy weather.


On Sunday morning 17 Volunteers and 6 Transition Year students gathered for the weekly litter pick. Although the numbers were down on previous weeks, we still managed to cover all the usual areas in the hour.
Several litter picks were carried out by Volunteers during the week. The litter they gathered was added to Sunday’s amount.
When this was segregated it yielded 2 bags of cans, 2 bags of glass and 2 bags of plastic. This included one bag of litter which the U14 LGFA collected.




pics: busy….bees??


Adrian spent time on Monday sorting the green waste from the work done on Poulavone Roundabout last Saturday.
Later that day he emptied all cig/gum bins in Ballincollig.
During the week 6 bags of green waste were removed from Lee View.
Six crates of glass collected from the litter picks were taken to the bottle banks for recycling on Wednesday.
The summer planters are now ready to be filled with compost and will be planted up in the coming weeks.
On Thursday 4 half ton bags of weeds etc. were removed from the flowerbed outside the rugby club.
Following some wonderful work by the Residents of Classes Lake, 4 bags of rubbish along with 4 bags of leaves were collected for composting.
A major overhaul and repaint of our watering unit are almost complete. Our workers have spent several hours over a period of time getting this project over the line. We are looking forward to having the unit back in use in the coming weeks.