On Saturday morning 7th May, at 04.15 those walking in Ballincollig will gather at BALLINCOLLIG COMMUNITY SCHOOL in Innishmore.



Thursday morning 3 hardworking volunteers from VMware spread 4 trailer loads of compost (120 bags) around all the trees that were weeded over the last few weeks by their fellow workers.



Whatever got into the contractor who cut and destroyed the hedgerows on Barry’s Road last weekend. What a shame. Surely, he was well aware that cutting at this time of year is prohibited. Destruction and upset for the birds nesting there.



On Sunday morning last there were 17 Volunteers and 2 Transition Year students out for the weekly litter pick.
As is the norm several Volunteers carried out litter picks during the week. The litter they collected was added to Sunday’s total and from this they got one bag of cans, one bag of plastic and one bag of glass.
We also collected 4 bags of sweepings from Inniscarra View. There were 8 bags of grass cuttings from Fr Sexton Park and 5 bags of grass from Cleburne Mews. We are so grateful to all the residents for their hard work.



Every week our Volunteers give freely of their time. They do so because of the pride they have in their community.
Our Volunteers are all ages, from various nationalities and we welcome them all. Each one makes a valuable and positive contribution.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns has a long-standing relationship with local secondary schools who are involved with the Gaisce Awards. Students volunteer with us as part of their participation in these awards.

How disappointing to see disparaging comments about two of our young volunteers on social media over the weekend. Do people ever stop and think? Do they realise the damage their words can cause. 
These young people form an integral part of our organization and are to be commended. The person who left the comment might make better use of their time by becoming a volunteer themselves.



John sorted all the weeks litter on Tuesday.
Residents in Carrigdene were busy working on their estate. Ten bags of grass cuttings were collected from them.

Adrian continued weeding on the Old Fort Road. John gave the grass there another cut.
He was also busy with the compost bays at the allotment. All the latest bags of grass were mixed in with the rest of the compost.


Entries are now being taken for the Pride in Our Community Competition 2022.
You can enter by going to the following link – https://forms.gle/GHuX58yNJqmcjRF17


On Saturday morning the Ballincollig Under 11’s LGFA were busy doing their bit for Tidy Towns There is great credit due to these young people. Ballincollig Tidy Towns is extremely grateful for your help.


National Biodiversity Week 2022 runs from 13th to 22nd May.
This May, National Biodiversity Week will explore the rich variety of life in Ireland with a host of wonderful activities and events for all the family.
Among the events this year are a Scavenger Hunt and the 10th annual Biodiversity Photographer of the Year competition. There will be events each day on ‘all things wildlife in Ireland’. Everyone can take part as events will be both virtual and in person.
There are lots of living things in the garden, in local parks and in wild areas near you.  Why not take part in the Biodiversity Scavenger Hunt and see what you can find. Take time away from screens and go outside. Look for animals and plants with the Wildlife Activity Sheet. Solve puzzles. Use your other senses to explore, hunt out smells, textures and more. Use chalks and paints to take bark rubbings and make your own nature crown.  The sheets are for all ages. Choose whichever suits you best. Complete the Hunt or challenges at any time. Be sure to share them on the weekend of May 20th – 22nd to be in with a chance to win a prize! You can download the activity sheets from https://biodiversityweek.ie 
Are you a keen amateur photographer who loves to capture striking landscapes, migration spectacles, fabulous flora, or dramatic close-up images of birds, mammals and insects? Nothing captures Ireland’s beautiful natural environment better than a photograph, so as part of Ireland’s Biodiversity Week 2022 the 10th Annual Biodiversity Photographer of the Year competition is being hosted.
The competition is open to all amateur photographers, whether photos are taken as a hobby or it’s the first time out with a camera, all are welcome to enter.
This year they are looking for photographs that celebrate Ireland’s rich web of life. The challenge is to capture an image of some of the biodiversity in your area. Whether you live in the heart of the countryside or the centre of a city, there is wildlife to be found.
Biodiversity doesn’t stop at the shore. Ireland’s marine territory is 10 times larger than the island itself! To celebrate life in our ocean there is an additional prize being offered in this year’s Biodiversity Photographer of the Year competition! The Ocean Photography category is being sponsored by the Fair Seas Campaign, with a prize up for grabs!
Do you love exploring our oceans? Whether by boat, on shore or underwater, all photos of all ocean life welcomed.
May 20th – 22nd – Wondering what that plant is? Who that insect is visiting your flowers? Maybe you’ve seen an unknown bird at your feeder, or strange creatures at the local waterway or park. Explore your local area to discover fabulous flora and fauna! The ecologists and wildlife experts will identify it for you! Ecologists and wildlife experts from the Irish Wildlife Trust, Irish Peatland Conservation Council, and Native Woodland Trust will be on hand to ID your finds.
For all information go to https://biodiversityweek.ie


pics from the week