by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Sep 28, 2023 | News
WEEK’S WORK On Monday Gay, Thomas, John and Sunday spent the morning weeding the new flowerbeds at the back entrance to Muskerry Estate. The grass around this area was also cut and edged. While they were working there, they found the ‘No Dumping’ sign which had been...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Sep 30, 2021 | News
OUR THANKS As the Work Nights come to an end for another year, Ballincollig Tidy Towns would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to everyone for all their efforts over the past few months since early June. During this time there have been thirty-six work nights with an...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Jul 29, 2021 | News
HYDRANGEAS AT POULAVONE / CARRIGROHANE This year the Hydrangeas are looking wonderful. They have matured so much in the past twelve to eighteen months. The beautiful coloured blossoms are a lovely sight along one of the roads entering Ballincollig. LITTER PICK On...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Nov 14, 2019 | News
WEBSITE An informative blog, FUN FACTS, started on our website. Biodiversity has become a word in our everyday use and these bright, colourful, factual illustrations bring home its importance. Perfect for adults and children it’s a fun way to learn some facts. Our...