by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Oct 14, 2021 | News
2021 TIDYTOWNS PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION Looking for all you photographers out there. Perhaps you are a dab hand at photography or maybe you like to take the odd picture on your smart-phone. The 2021 TidyTowns Photography Competition is opening up and they are looking...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Oct 7, 2021 | News
COMMITTEE MEETING Monday night was Ballincollig Tidy Towns first face to face Committee Meeting in twelve months. It was good to see all our Committee Members in person. A minute’s silence was held as a mark of respect for all who had passed away from Covid. Reviewing...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Aug 19, 2021 | News
WORK THIS WEEK The floor in the Poly Tunnel at the Allotment was sorted on Monday. Then during the week indoor flowerbeds were prepared for the Geraniums in this newly floored Poly Tunnel. Adrian continued with his work on the Hydrangeas along the top part of the...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | May 14, 2020 | News
GREEN WITH ENVY As many of us walk around with overgrown hair due to Covid-19 Restrictions, it was with a fair amount of envy this week that we looked on as the Poulavone Roundabout got a ‘haircut’ of its own. Like ourselves, the Roundabout’s covering had become...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Feb 20, 2020 | News
REFILL.IE Ballincollig is a perfect place for people walking, running or cycling. There are numerous long and short routes that are safe for people to use. Areas are well lit making night time use also safe. The one item for sure each of them will have with them...