by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Apr 13, 2023 | News
LITTER PICK Easter Sunday, there were 17 Volunteers and 2 Transition Year students out for the weekly litter pick. Our Volunteers managed to cover several areas and then headed to Mary O’Connell’s Bar for a cuppa. Denis took TY students Jack and Cillian and planted...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Apr 6, 2023 | News
NO EGGSCUSES – RECYCLE MORE The Irish public are expected to recycle over 60,900 tonnes of packaging this Easter. It comes as no surprise that Easter eggs remain the gift of choice for 62% of people, but 35% plan to buy alternative gifts for others this year....
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Mar 30, 2023 | News
COMPETITION LAUNCH Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys & the Managing Director of SuperValu, Mr. Ian Allen last week launched the 2023 SuperValu Tidy Towns Competition celebrating 65 years of transforming communities. Since 1958, the...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Mar 23, 2023 | News
BUSY TIMES Twenty-six bags of weeds and briars were removed from the flowerbed next to the entrance to An Caislean on the Greenfields Road this week. COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAMME Minister for Community Development, Integration and Charities, Joe O’Brien,...
by Ballincollig Tidy Towns | Mar 17, 2023 | News
SUMMER PLANTERS This week with the promise of brighter days, our workers began preparing the planters for the summer. They have all been washed, sterilized and fitted with new wicks. CRANFORD PINES Twelve bags of leaves were removed from under the trees...