A Residents Association initiative has been set up in The Cloisters to help the most vulnerable and elderly residents in the estate through the Government “Stay at home” directive.
The status of each person in the estate was established so that any resident needing help with delivery of groceries, medicines, etc. would be offered help from a neighbour.
All residents in The Cloisters were contacted by text in order to get the largest possible team together. Then they needed to establish all the houses that DID NOT need assistance. They expected very few houses would be in need of help at present, but at least they wouldn’t be left wondering, and would be certain that everyone needing help would be offered it.
A WhatsApp Group was set up to ensure the status of every dwelling in the estate, and co-ordinate delivery of groceries/medicines etc. for the elderly or more vulnerable there. The Gardaí were alerted as to what they were doing and that they were there as an asset. One person was appointed to co-ordinate all this. Privacy was paramount and they had to make sure that the WhatsApp group set up would be used solely for that purpose. The aim was to work quickly and get it up and running. The idea kicked off Saturday morning 28th March. The result was very positive.