The first two week round of judging in the Cork County Council’s Anti Litter Competition is now completed. We are hoping that we will score better this year but as yet, we have no result. The second round starts next week. Please make sure that your estate is kept spotless as any estate can be judged on any day during that period.
There is now just one week to the start of the Judging in the SuperValu National Tidy Towns Competition. Everyone in Ballincollig Tidy Towns has plenty to do to make sure the town looks its best.
On Sunday last, the 19th May, twenty seven Volunteers including our three Transition Year students came out to do the weekly litter pick. All areas were covered in the hour and by the time we met up at the Oriel House Hotel for a cuppa and chat, we had collected twelve bags of waste, five of which were segregated for recycling.
An energetic Volunteer brushed the path and kerb from the Oriel House Hotel to the Innishmore Junction and having that area cleared has made a very welcome difference.
During the week previous, Volunteers were active litter picking each day collecting three bags, two of waste and one of recyclable materials. And, a litter pick on an approach road yielded an half bag of litter.
Work in the allotment during the week to Sunday the 19th consisted of weeding and sorting waste. All kerbs and parking bays were swept on both sides from Muskerry Junction to AIB. We welcomed Dylan, a new man to the team during the week and he got into the work right away. Information on Heritage by way of plaques are being installed on a phased basis on various sites of interest. A number of these were put in place during the week.
On Thursday 16th May, six VMWare volunteers continued the grass margin edging from Station Cross to Cranford Pines. This extra help is greatly appreciated and allows us to concentrate on other necessary projects.
More footpath repairs were completed during the week, making walking safer again in areas where paths had deteriorated over time.
Work Nights continued on Tuesday 14th and Thursday 16th May. Over the two evenings there were over twenty five volunteers in total and the work included weeding, cleaning and washing in the Town Centre area. Over the coming weeks we will work our way out from there. Litter picks are also conducted on the work nights.
On Sunday last the next phase of the Ballincollig Bee Corridor started with the planting of pollinator shrubs at the Gold Medal signs on the entrances to Ballincollig. This corridor of bee friendly planting is partly complete but gaps still remain between the centre and the outskirts. Residents can help fill these gaps with them planting bee friendly plants in their own gardens. Bees are vital and are threatened so anything we can do to encourage and preserve bee life is also to our benefit. The Ballincollig Pollinator Corridor Map will be available on our Website next week so our progress can be followed there.
Other biodiversity efforts made over the last few years are showing dividends already with the increased number of ladybirds witnessed this month being just one of the successes.
As always we are grateful for all help, so, if you are interested in joining us any Sunday just come along to Quish’s SuperValu West End where we meet up at 11 am for our weekly litter pick. Volunteers are also welcome on Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 pm. If you have an hour or two to spare, we would appreciate your help. We meet outside the Allied Irish Bank on Main Street both nights.
Please take time to visit our website There are many topics of interest. The website is added to daily.
Check out the Snippets and More Snippets pages on our website as they contain lots of little bits of interesting information on things that are happening around Ballincollig with relation to Tidy Towns.