The students at Ballincollig Community School always like to do their bit for the environment. They gather all used plastic bottles from teachers and students. Each week BTT collects several plastic bags containing these bottles.
When our Volunteers are out Litter Picking during the week, they always put the plastic bottles they collect into a separate bag. This is also done for the cans they collect.
This week Green Dragon came and collected a large amount of these bags of plastic bottles together with a large wheelie bin of cans. 


A wonderfully informative newsletter sent out to all Tidy Towns. Also available on their website. Definitely well worth the read. Packed with news and views, projects and generally what Tidy Towns members are involved in in their various communities. Check it out for yourself.
The latest Newsletter – a piece from Heather Humphreys TD sending Christmas Greetings. She is looking forward to launching the SuperValu Tidy Towns Competition in the new year.
Also, a wonderfully informative article about Ireland’s current tidiest town. Glaslough Tidy Towns – one year on and how the ethos of the competition has been kept alive. As noted by a visiting adjudicator in 2019 “A community in absolute unity”.
Check out Ennis Tidy Towns Water Bottle Filling Station Project. 




This year has been a year like no other yet through it all Ballincollig Tidy Towns Volunteers continued to give their support. We would like to thank each and every one of you for ensuring that the town maintained its level of cleanliness even through lockdown. We have missed the camaraderie of meeting and sharing cups of tea and coffees after the Sunday litter pick and working together on Worknights.  We were disappointed to miss our annual Day Trip and Christmas Dinner this year but look forward to them returning next year. However, next Sunday, in line with all government restrictions, we have arranged for Mulled Wine, Mince Pies, Teas and Coffees for our Volunteers outside The Plaza in Time Square at 12 noon. There is plenty of space for Social Distancing so nobody should be fearful. We look forward to seeing you there but understand if you don’t feel comfortable enough under the circumstances. Please let Pat know if you will be attending.
There were twenty-seven Volunteers and nineteen Transition Year students out for the Sunday Litter Pick. Two Transition Year students went with the Volunteers to collect Litter.
A huge area was covered and a total of twelve bags of Litter were collected.
Sanita Puspore and Fiona Murtagh, our champion rowers came ashore and swapped their oars for some litter pickers and worked alongside our Volunteers. We were grateful for their participation and hopefully they will join us again.
During the week some of our Volunteers were out and collected three bags of Litter, one bag of Plastic and one bag of Cans.
The other Transition Year Students gathered leaves in Classes Lake Estate. Tadgh O’Callaghan kindly took them under his wing while they collected leaves there. They did fantastic work. In total ten one-ton bags (or 100 large black bags) were collected.
In addition, fifteen bags of leaves were collected from Classis Lake Estate.
Three bags of leaves were collected from Willow Drive, Muskerry Estate
Five bags were collected from Leo Murphy Terrace.
Twelve black sacks and eight one-ton bags of leaves were collected from Classes Lake.
Approx. twelve bags of leaves/grass were collected at Carrigdene.


When the Planters from Eastgate were recently cleaned out and washed in preparation for storage until next year, they were also checked for any damage. One was found to have a leak. This finally answered the question as to why the summer flowers in that Planter had failed.
Fibre glass resin had to be used to repair it and Cornel from Body Image in the Commercial Park was kind enough to do this for Ballincollig Tidy Towns free of charge.
Thank you so much Cornel and Body Image.
Jarlath Boyd and Tony Downing took on the project of cleaning the footpath from the Innishmore Junction to the entrance to the Westgate Foundation. They did a great job. They have done this project in the past and it has made a huge difference.
On Tuesday CE Worker John began weeding the long flower bed along this route. The results were well worth all the hard work.
Volunteer Anthony and CE Worker Adrian worked on the footpath from Maxol petrol station westwards towards Coolroe.
Meanwhile, Garret another Volunteer spent time cleaning the footpath from Westcourt as far as the pedestrian entrance to the Regional Park. As a result, the footpath is not only cleaner but much safer for those using it daily.