If you’re an aspiring beekeeper, you can catch your own Honeybees using a Swarm Box. Take a look at what Glendower native Micheal Crockett built and has hanging in his estate. The box was decorated by neighbour Leisha aged 11 in acrylic paint before finishing with a clear varnish.
A simple Swarm Box can be built from inexpensive plywood. Once built, the box can be hung from a tree to catch a passing swarm. The traps are 40 litres in volume and are rudimentary hives that will attract swarms. Micheal is a secondary school teacher and an avid beekeeper and has a number of hives himself. Any new swarms collected with the Glendower Swarm Box will be used to start a hive for a new beekeeper in the area. New swarms will hopefully be flying around Ballincollig mainly from May to July but it could be earlier.
A single 4’x 8’ sheet of plywood is enough material to make 3 traps. There are a number of steps to building a swarm box. These are –
Step 1: Cut Pieces to Size
Step 2: Assemble Sides
Step 3: Assemble Front and Back
Step 4: Attach Side Rails
Step 5: Create Entrance
Step 6: Assemble Lid
Step 7: Add Trap Mounts
Step 8: Bait Hives and Deploy
To bait your hive, you can use a few drops of lemongrass oil on a cotton ball. Happy swarm catching! If anyone wants a link to the detailed instructions contact
On Sunday morning, despite the challenges of the Coronavirus, twenty Volunteers along with one Transition Year student took to the streets for the weekly Litter Pick. All the necessary precautions were taken by our dedicated group of Volunteers. Social Distancing was the order of the day!
Thirteen bags of litter were collected. These will be segregated into various categories hopefully in the coming weeks when life returns to normal.
These are strange and worrying times. Usually a chat over a cuppa or a pat on the back would help to reassure us that we will get through this but sadly one or both of these could spread the virus and so make things worse. Instead, we settled for some raised voices in conversation while keeping our Social Distance.
During the previous week up to last Sunday some of our Volunteers had been out litter picking and they collected four bags of litter and three of recycling.
Spring cleaning was done by Aylsbury Residents. Four bags were collected from sweeping kerbs. Leo Murphy Terrace collected three bags of grass from the first cut of the year.
Gretta (a former resident of Ballincollig) now in Goggins Hill, collected one bag of litter on Maglin Bridge on Thursday.
One of our Volunteer’s, Ferghal Monahan enjoying a take away coffee following last Sunday’s Litter Pick.
Following some technical problems with our website during the week, to help cheer us all up a little, we decided to get a new look. This is in the process of being done so it should be a nice surprise to see in the next few days.
Why not take a look through the website and enjoy reading about our completed Projects. There is plenty of reading on the ‘Work Nights’ page. The ‘Biodiversity’ page contains several interesting articles packed with important information.
And, of course the ‘Ballincollig Past’ page. Keep an eye out for new photos being added in the coming days.
Please note that Ballincollig Tidy Towns is using for all correspondence.
With the schools closed the past few weeks and all of us observing Social Distancing and the call to Stay At Home, Ballincollig Tidy Towns wants to encourage children to take to the gardens and plant.
Some weeks back we rolled out the new format for the 2020 Annual Estates Competition and the extra marks that Estates could earn for Pollinator Friendly planting and adding to the Pollinator Corridor.
As we are all more or less confined to our homes, Ballincollig Tidy Towns is asking children to get outside and plant Pollinator Friendly, Colourful or Wild flowers in their gardens, front and / or back. Their efforts will earn their Estate extra marks in the upcoming Annual Estates Competition. If they can encourage their friends and neighbours to do the same and so form a chain of colour etc, this will be reflected in the overall marks.
These children will be awarded a special ‘Certificate Of Community’ at the Awards Night in recognition of their willingness to play their part in saving their community when we all had to pull together.
Parents’ encouragement and participation would also be appreciated. We want to see Colour, lots and lots of Colour, in gardens both front and back, pots, baskets and window-boxes. So please take to your gardens and plant. Make sure that the children take pictures and keep notes on what they planted, a record of watering and care etc.
Stay at home this is the best way to slow the virus
Only leave home if you can’t work from home and attendance is essential
Only leave home to go to the shop for essential supplies or the pharmacy
Only leave home for some physical exercise while observing Social Distancing
All non-essential visits to other people’s homes should be avoided
All gatherings over four people (from the same household) is discouraged