Tús SECAD is a community work placement providing initiative offering short-term work opportunities for unemployed people.The Community Employment Programme is another scheme administered by the Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection which we also avail of.
Ballincollig Tidy Towns is very lucky to be given the opportunity to have TUS and CE Scheme workers allocated to them. We are indebted to each and every one of our workers as without their input we would likely not have had the depth of success we have achieved to date. They are dedicated and take an honest interest in each and every project that they are involved with.
Our men work nineteen hours each week. Their work has become vital to Ballincollig Tidy Towns progress. Each day our supervisors John, Ger and Tony work alongside them. The work that they are involved in stretches right across everything we do in Tidy Towns. This work includes grass cutting, planting, sorting recycling, cleaning, working in the allotment, painting, weeding and much more.