We are pleased to announce Cork City Council has agreed a new sponsor for Poulavone Roundabout.
Local company O’Donovan Agri Group has begun sponsoring the work of Ballincollig Tidy Towns planting and maintaining the Roundabout.
Chairperson of Ballincollig Tidy Towns, Tom Butler, said that the very generous sponsorship received from O’Donovan Agri Group allows them to revamp the roundabout even further and continue to expand its importance as a pollinator friendly area.
“Through this new partnership it has already allowed us to plant over 450 herbaceous pollinator friendly plants and over 16 tonnes of bark mulch.
With guidance from Stephen and Alan of Clockhouse Nurseries we have greatly increased the number of pollinators on the roundabout and continued our rewilding of specific areas of the roundabout.”
He said the financial support from O’Donovan Agri Group is fantastic but their physical support is invaluable. They have been amazing assisting with watering the newly planted flowers and providing vehicles and equipment to BTT.
John O’Donovan Managing Director of O’Donovan Agri Group said that as a long- established local company they were proud to support the fantastic work of Ballincollig Tidy Towns.
One group sure to be extremely grateful for the support of O’Donovan Agri has to be the large number of bees busy visiting the many pollinators on the Roundabout at present.
John O’Donovan Managing Director of O’Donovan Agri Group is pictured on Poulavone Roundabout presenting Tom Butler with a sponsorship cheque for 2023.


Tuesday evening 2 of our Volunteers took on the task of cleaning and replanting the planters that are underneath the ‘Welcome to Ballincollig’ signs at the Inniscarra Bridge and the Killumney Road.


Tuesday evening 20 Volunteers were out working – 13 by the entrance to Ballincollig near Poulavone Roundabout, others were watering and the remainder were Litter Picking. Every project makes such a difference to the town.


Two Residents from Aylsbury undertook the task of painting a large wall that had previously been subjected to graffiti.


All the rubbish collected each week is segregated in our ongoing efforts to recycle. Thursday morning Green Dragon called to the Allotment and collected 45 bags of Plastic, 1 large wheelie bin and 15 bags of Cans. The segregated Glass is taken to nearby bottle banks,


A big ‘thank you’ to the Healy family for their continued work maintaining their premises at Eastgate. This week a painting contractor was on site to paint their premises. It always looks so well.


On Wednesday evening 6 Volunteers put the last section of the summer planters in place. The four-tiered planters were put in place on Main Street. The compost in each of the planters came from our own compost bays at the Allotment.



On Wednesday evening while some of our Volunteers were busy putting planters in place, they met up with some Ballincollig scouts doing an activity called ‘The Chip Trail.’ This is where each patrol stops at a different chip shop and buys a bag of chips to share before moving on to the next where they repeat the process, four in total. At the end they have tasted all the chips from the various chip shops.
After having moved on, one patrol came back to our Volunteers with a lovely fresh bag of chips for us to share. This was such a kind gesture.


On Wednesday night nine staff from McDonalds spent time litter picking along the Old Fort Road down to Innishmore. It’s good to see so much community spirit. They plan to make it a regular occurrence and have offered to help with any projects we feel would be right for them.
When the litter pick was finished, they very kindly invited some of our Volunteers in for a tea/coffee.


A big shout out to John O’Riordan Garden Machinery for revamping the flower bed outside their premises in West Village. It has certainly made a difference.


On Thursday Denis continued removing Graffiti at Muskerry Junction. One of our most used Dog Fouling bins was also targeted.
This, unfortunately has become a weekly chore and is both costly and time consuming to put right.


So far this year our Tuesday and Thursday Worknights are proving successful. Plenty jobs are being tackled and completed. Jobs like cleaning kerbs take time but can make such a difference. The more people out helping the more jobs we get to complete. If you have an hour to spare, please come and join us.


Last Thursday evening there were 2 watering crews out to ensure that the recently installed planter reservoirs were filled to capacity.
John O’Donovan of O’Donovan Agri kindly brought a 1000 litre water bouser to Poulavone Roundabout on Friday evening. This allowed us to water the hundreds of plants on the roundabout.
With the lack of rain our harvested water has significantly diminished.


Cork City Council contracted local company O’Donovan Agri Group to clean and paint the railings at Eastgate this week. Steam and high-pressure power washers were used. And, although removing the old paint from the railings was a slow painstaking process, they are now ready to be painted. Once this is complete, the planters will be put in place.


This Saturday, the 10th of June, 11 kayakers will be kayaking for 24 hours on the River Lee for a fundraiser for the RNLI.
Donate, sign up and take part in the fundraiser and follow the socials using the link below. If you have some spare change, please donate to our fundraiser and help save lives at sea.…


The Cork City Joint Policing Committee Public Meeting will take place on Monday 19th June 2023 at 2.00pm in Council Chambers, City Hall, Cork.
Members of the Public are welcome to attend. 638735423847
Questions and Issues must be submitted in writing in advance of the meeting to:
Cork City Joint Policing Committee, c/o Community, Culture & Placemaking, Cork City Council, Floor 1, New Civic Building, City Hall, Cork.
Submissions should be received before 4.00pm on Wednesday 14th June 2023.


Join Linda Kenny and Alf McCarthy with David O’Sullivan on piano, for a trip down memory lane sing song session. Celebrating music and memories from the olden days in Hollyhill Library at 11am on Saturday 17th of June.
Free event, all welcome!


Cork Bloomsday Festival is just around the corner!
Come along to the City Library for a performance by The Fresh Air Collective with Ruti Lachs on Friday 16 June at 5.00 pm!
The Fresh Air Collective is an all-female klezmer/world music/gypsy jazz band, based in Cork. Klezmer is Jewish wedding music, lively, atmospheric and danceable. They will perform, amongst other klezmer tunes and Yiddish songs, a number of new pieces from The Irish Klezmer Suite, newly composed by Ruti Lachs.
Come along to Hollyhill Library this Saturday the 10 of June at 2.00 pm for a feast of live music!
Join Anthony Cotter, singer and musician with White Horse Guitar Club and Emerald on Ivory, supported by St Vincent’s GAA Male Voice Choir.
There will also be a FREE raffle sponsored by Gurranabraher Credit Union.
This is a Free event and all are welcome!


Would you like to learn about song writing? The Rory Gallagher Music Library on Grand Parade will be hosting a series of five workshops that will be exploring the art of song writing and self-expression.
The Classes will take place during each Saturday in July from 2.00 – 3.00 pm.
To book your place, please email or call at (021) 492 4907


Cork City Libraries can deliver to you at home, we can deliver to nursing homes in the city area too!
With Library Link you can access our vast wealth of reading material!
Simply email or call (021) 492 4900 to register.
Alternatively ask at your local Cork City Libraries branch if you, or someone you know, might benefit from this service.
It’s simple to sign up and it is free.



The next Cork City Age Friendly Forum will take place on Thursday, 15th June 2023.

You can make Cork a stronger Age Friendly City by passing the word of the Forum and having a friend or acquaintance come to the meeting with you. All
are very welcome.

11am – 11.30am Teas/coffees
11.30am – 12noon Introductions and Guest Speakers
12noon – 1pm Questions, discussion and feedback from members